McCormick Relishes, Making and Preserving: Corn Relish

McCormick Relishes, Making and Preserving: Corn Relish

Make and take home your own corn relish, and learn some basics of canning and preserving.

By Stacy Kirby

Date and time

Monday, April 7 · 2 - 5pm EDT


610 S Mine St

610 South Mine Street McCormick, SC 29835

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

Canning is a practical, safe, and enjoyable method of food preservation when done properly. Participants will engage in the full canning process from preparation to processing using current USDA-recommended techniques. This workshop will highlight pressure canning, and participants will take home a jar of the product they produced. Persons with or without previous canning experience are encouraged to attend.

This in-person event will take place at the McCormick County Extension Office, where you will make these mouthwatering preserves. Don't miss out on this unique flavor combination that will surely tantalize your taste buds!

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