Our first show of the season is a banner! Matt Pryor and Living Room Tigers - can't believe we're saying this! Come see a night of good tunes and friends in an intimate setting in Toms River, NJ!
Here are the details:
- Doors at 6
- Music at 7, over around 9
- Outdoor show, in a residential neighborhood
- Address provided upon ticket purchase via email
First time hearing about The Kill Shed? Don't let the name scare you! We've been doing outdoor DIY house shows since the Summer of 21'. We're headed into our fifth season and incredibly stoked for this kick-off with a dream artist for us Matt Pryor. Have more questions? Check our instagram below, or email us at thekillshed@gmail.com
For more on Matt Pryor: : https://linktr.ee/mattpryorsongs?utm_source=linktree_profile_share
For more on Living Room Tigers: : https://www.instagram.com/_livingroomtigers?igsh=MXZwaG9kcmQ3ZmdvNw==
What's the vibe of The Kill Shed? ? https://www.instagram.com/thekillshed?igsh=bG1pZDZxNDhhY3kw