Are you ready for the next wave of Ascension?
Ascension out of 3D is over! Ascension into 5D is halfway through, and ascension into 7D is just beginning! 🌎
Spirit says, “It is essential to balance the Ego-mind with Spirit, for the ascending Physical, Mental and Emotional bodies to assimilate 144 fractal dimensions of experience.”
- RECALIBRATE and thrive in the Avatar Consciousness Matrix
- RECLAIM YOUR WINGS - through Hiero-gamic Union of Christos/Sophia frequencies
- EMBODY SOVEREIGNTY - as Masters of Co-creation & Manifestation.
✨ Whether you are a seasoned Healer, a Lightworker, or, a seeker on the path for Knowledge and Wisdom, you will receive the next energetic Upgrade as Initiate Teacher Sabayo Matiku walks you through higher concepts:
- ‘The Fall of Man’ from our Universe of Origin
- Higher Evolution of the Light Body/Merkabah
- The Holographic Body & Its Restoration
- Integration of Higher Self & Future Self Aspects on your path to Soul Sovereignty
Hear about ‘The State of the Universe’ and the ongoing Planetary SHIFT 🌎, and learn how to access and assimilate recently anchored SOPHIANIC frequencies of Mother Arc/Aqua Ray Magnetics for the NEXT Wave of Ascension 💠
Enjoy a FREE Sample of Marconics Ascension Energy, and feel it for yourself! ⚡️
Full-spectrum Marconics Ascension Energy works in the ascending 5D body template, where older 3D healing modalities are no longer effective. It facilitates rapid shedding of karmic debris and new DNA 🧬 activations allowing you to raise your vibration and reach a new level of connection to Source/Spirit.
If you are ready to expand your consciousness to the edges of the universe and beyond, and stand in the Power of who you came here to BE, please join us!
➤ If you have any questions, please contact Sabayo Matiku at 802-417-8088 //
We look forward to meeting you!
📍Lecture at: Valley Spirit Wellness Center
36 Mason Circle, Beacon, NY 12508
⭐️ The Lecture is a FREE Event for Attendees
For more info: