Make Sandwiches to Support At-Risk LGBTQ Youth and Others - NYC

Make PB&J sandwiches to help those in need in NYC. Enjoy the camaraderie of other community-conscious, positive people.

By Out Professionals

Date and time

Tuesday, March 25 · 6:30 - 8pm EDT


COMPASS Real Estate

2150 Broadway 2nd Floor New York, NY 10023 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

You'd be surprised at how good helping make 500 sandwiches for those in need can feel.

Your mission is simple. Join OutPro for a little over an hour on a weeknight evening with our event host, Gary Martin of COMPASS Real Estate on the Upper West Side. Together, we will make sandwiches that will be immediately delivered to homeless shelters, including Sylvia Rivera's Place, which serves LGBTQ youth.

  • One Sandwich at a Time organizes the evening and delivers the sandwiches.
  • Everything is provided. However, please bring a (fabulous) hat or other hair covering for sandwich-making. This will save your fashion sense from a hair net or paper hat.
  • Some participants will create stickers featuring supportive and encouraging messages for the sandwich bags. Blank stickers and art supplies will be available, but feel free to bring your own... just no glitter. (Glitter is forever and isn't so great in a sandwich!).
  • Your donation buys the supplies for the sandwiches.
  • Are you looking for a team-building activity at your company? OSAAT is available for corporate events. Contact them – and let them know Out Pro sent you!

Having hosted events for OSAAT several years pre-COVID, we are thrilled to be back with a regular monthly sandwich-making event.

Join us for the zen and to master the art of making the perfect PB&J.

You'll leave smiling, meeting other positive, community-conscious people while helping those in need.

Special thanks to your venue host: Gary Martin at COMPASS

A simple idea has grown into a grassroots effort to feed the hungry in New York City and beyond. One day while rushing to make a train at Grand Central Station, co-founder, Erin Dinan quickly stopped to buy a sandwich because she had not eaten since breakfast. As she headed to the platform, a homeless man approached her asking for money to buy food. Without thinking, she handed him half of her meal. Shocked and grateful, he accepted it. Later, as she sat next to her fellow commuters, she could not get the interaction off her mind. Inspired, she began making sandwiches and handing them to those in need that she met along her way. After a discussion with her friend and co-founder George Kontogiannis, One Sandwich at a Time was born. Since then, they have organized this simple idea into a successful, grassroots non-profit that has fed over 500,000 hungry New Yorkers.

Organized by

Career. Community. Connection. Out Professionals is the nation's leading nonprofit networking and career organization for LGBTQ professionals in the USA. Our growing national network of chapters helps connect LGBTQ professionals with career opportunities.