Maffeo Foundation Casino Night 2025

Maffeo Foundation Casino Night 2025

Elegant Buffet Dinner • Open Bar • Collectibles & Memorabilia Silent Auction • Gaming Tables: Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, Let it Rider, Mone

By Maffeo Foundation

Select date and time

Saturday, March 22 · 7 - 11:30pm EDT


Nicotra's Ballroom

1100 South Avenue Staten Island, NY 10314 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

We are excited to return and eagerly anticipate a successful and thrilling Casino Night 2025 – you can bet on it!

Frequently asked questions

Where do I get my event ticket?

There are no physical tickets - instead, you will check in with your name upon arrival to Casino Night 2025!

How do I get my Big Bucks 50/50 Ticket(s)?

All Big Bucks 50/50 Raffle Ticket stubs will be mailed to you after your purchase is processed! Good luck!

Organized by

Joseph Maffeo was a New York City firefighter whose life was tragically cut short on September 11, 2001. He was a hero to the people of New York, but more importantly, he was a hero to his family, and the people who knew and loved him. To them he was a hero not for the way he died, but rather for the way he lived. Joseph Maffeo made the world a better place, each and every day of his life, by giving of himself, by extending a helping hand, by displaying a smile, simply by his mere presence.

We have established this foundation to continue Joseph's legacy by keeping his spirit alive in those who knew him and breathing it into those who didn't. By doing this we hope to fill the void left in this world, when on September 11, 2001, Joseph, along with 342 fellow NYC firefighters and thousands of other individuals, lost their lives in a senseless act of hate.