Madison County Women's Republican Club River Clean Up

Madison County Women's Republican Club River Clean Up

Join the women's club for a river clean up and lunch afterward at Burro Loco!

By Madison County Women's Republican Club

Date and time

Saturday, April 26 · 11am - 1pm EDT


Blue Bridge

Blue Bridge Anderson, IN

About this event

April is National Volunteer Month!

Join the Madison County Women's Republican Club for a volunteer opportunity and lunch on Saturday, April 26. We'll meet at the Blue Bridge in Anderson, Indiana at 11 a.m. ET and pick up trash along the river. (The Blue Bridge is a walking bridge you can access from the parking lot of the Madison County Div of Family Resources.)At 12 p.m., we'll grab lunch as a group at Burro Loco in downtown Anderson.

Interested in donating trash bags, gloves, or bottled water? Email Chloe at

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