During the Fall of 2024, BioBAT Art Space partnered with Pratt Institute’s Dept of Digital Arts graduate level course: Video Projection Mapping taught by Professor Caroline Voagen Nelson. In this course, Pratt DDA students developed projection mapped video installations proposals for BioBAT Art Space’s current exhibition, Water Stories. The collaboration was developed by Nelson and Curator Elena Soterakis with the aim for students to have the educational experience of creating site-specific digital art installation pitches for an exhibition. Students were divided into groups and created projects inspired by the exhibition’s concept and aesthetics; along with taking into consideration technical feasibility, materials, budget, and timeline in their proposals. These pitches included developing working prototypes of their concepts that were presented in November. Two group projects were accepted to be included in the exhibition: Worn by Waves by Jianing Cui, Jay Bradley, Onur Mavitas and Blue Tears by Iriz Lin, Lynn Feng, Tong Wu Bill.