Live Out Your Dreams: Remember Dreams New and Old

Live Out Your Dreams: Remember Dreams New and Old

Bring your hopes and dreams, new and old, to the forefront of your mind, so you can start living out your dreams.

By Truly Thriving Lives

Select date and time

Sunday, April 6 · 2 - 2:30pm PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be? How would your younger self have answered that question? Have you lived out those dreams yet? Or have they piled up, gotten lost, or thrown away?

In this workshop, we’ll gather the dreams tucked away in the back of our minds, dust off the cobwebs, and write them down where we can see them, remember them, and work towards making them happen.

We’ll do writing exercises to:

  • Jog your memory and recall old dreams.
  • Bring new hopes to the surface.
  • Consider and layout goals for the more distant future.

We’ll meet via Zoom so that everyone can attend from the comfort of their own home. The zoom link will be sent with your ticket.

This gathering is designed to help you enjoy a better quality of life by living out your dreams each day.

If you want to:

  • start planning now,
  • keep planning easily after we meet,
  • plan independently instead,
  • or if you can’t attend this event,

you can download and use the Enjoy Dream Experiences workbook to plan consistently and independently.

This is also one of many online gatherings to support your full holistic health journey. For more gatherings like this, view our full list of classes, parties, and workshops.

Andrea and her family of 5 find creative ways to enjoy their dream experiences each day. Andrea is dedicated to helping others live out their dreams, too.

Truly Thriving Lives is a Black-owned, Woman-owned business founded on Christian principles promoting holistic health & wellness and homeschooling resources to the African American Community.

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Healthier Habits for a Better Quality of Life!

Holistic Living
 • Prayer & Bible Study • Calling & Direction • Time Management • Work & Finance • Minimalist Decluttering • Emotions & Relationships • Food & Fitness • Chemical-Free Living • Femininity
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