Let's Talk About Psychosis
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Let's Talk About Psychosis

Let's gather to discuss psychosis openly and support each other through sharing experiences and knowledge.

By Western CT Mental Health Network

Date and time

Monday, April 14 · 9:30 - 11am EDT


Silas Bronson Library

267 Grand Street Waterbury, CT 06702

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Let's Talk About Psychosis

Hosted by Western Connecticut Mental Health Network with support from the STEP Learning Collaborative and the Silas Bronson Library, this gathering will inform guests about the various signs and symptoms and ways to help detect the first episode of psychosis. Come and explore the role of the community in early detection. It is relevant to parents, teachers, coaches, clergy, law enforcement, social workers, community influencers, and anyone who interacts regularly with young adults ages 16-35, which is when the first episode of psychosis typically emerges.

Frequently asked questions

Is this event free to attend?

Yes, the event is free and open to the public.

What is this event about?

This event, hosted by Western CT Mental Health Network (WCMHN) with support from the STEP Learning Collaborative and the Silas Bronson Library, focuses on educating the community about the signs, symptoms, and early detection of the first episode of psychosis.

What will I learn at this event?

You will learn about the early warning signs of psychosis, how to support someone experiencing symptoms, and the role of the community in early detection and intervention.

Will there be resources or materials provided?

Yes, informational materials will be available to help attendees recognize symptoms and understand support options.

Who should attend this event?

Anyone who interacts regularly with young adults ages 16-35, including parents, teachers, coaches, clergy, law enforcement, social workers, and community influencers.

Will there be a Q&A session?

Yes, attendees will have time to ask questions and engage in discussion.

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