Learn to Sew: Beginner 4-part Series

Learn to Sew: Beginner 4-part Series

  • Ages 18+

You'll gain hands-on experience and build a solid foundation in sewing, from setting up your machine to mastering essential techniques.

By Springclean

Select date and time

Saturday, May 10 · 2 - 5pm EDT


270 Camp Rd suite 103

270 Camp Road #suite 103 Charlotte, NC 28206 United States

Refund Policy

No Refunds


May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31

May 10 -Class I

Sophia McMillan

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours
  • Ages 18+
  • Free venue parking

Each lesson builds on the last and incorporates make-and-take projects, allowing you to progress from basic skills to more advanced projects. Sewing machines, scrap fabric, and basic materials will be available for class use.

Course Highlights

Machine Basics: Learn the anatomy of a sewing machine, how to thread it correctly, how to wind a bobbin, how to adjust thread tension, how to clean and maintain your machine, and how to troubleshoot common issues. 

Materials Basics: Learn the difference between common fabrics, types of needles, types of machine “feet,” types of bobbins, and recommended tools, such as a seam ripper, marking tools, measuring tools, pins or clips, and more. We’ll cover the most recommended tools -- and what you can do without! 

Sewing Techniques: Once your machine is properly threaded, we will begin by setting our stitch length and testing thread tension. Then, we will practice backstitching, sewing straight lines, curves, and 90-degree corners. We’ll apply these skills to move on to more advanced areas, such as sewing gathers and french seams, inserting zippers, and more. 

Make and Take: Sew your very own projects! Each class will include an opportunity to sew something special for yourself or a loved one. As your confidence grows, you are welcome to explore other/additional projects to work on during class. 

We will do our best to match the growth and interests of the class, to guide you towards learning what you are interested in mastering the most. At the foundation, here is what we will cover:

  • Threading the machine, winding a bobbin, setting stitch length and tension.
  • Understanding types of stitches and what they’re used for
  • Fabric 101
  • Understanding and maintaining consistent seam allowances
  • Sewing crisp corners, curved lines, and clipping seams
  • Creating neat hems and finishing edges
  • Sewing gathering stitches
  • Inserting elastic
  • Inserting “all purpose” and “invisibile” zippers
  • Reading sewing patterns (Commercial vs. Indie vs. Self Drafted)
  • Creating bias tape
  • And more!

Types of projects we may work on include: lavender sachets, hair ties, bowl covers, zipper-closure pillowcases (or “envelope style”), quilted pouches, bags, shorts/boxers, gathered skirts, aprons, and more. As you advance, we can also look into supporting your own projects. For example, you can apply your knowledge of gathers to setting a sleeve in a shirt or taking on your first commercial pattern!

Frequently asked questions

Who will be teaching the class?

Sophia first really took to sewing as an outlet in 2020 to sew copious masks, dresses and more! She has a passion for sewing clothes and practical home goods, especially when upcycling is involved. Favorite sewing technique? Placing invisible zippers.

Hablan Español y tiene clases en español?

Si, hablamos Español y actualmente tenemos una lista de espera para clases de Español. Envie un correo a info@springclean.org para agregarse a la lista.

What happens if I miss a session?

Each session builds upon each other, so we recommend that you sign up if you are able to attend all of the sessions. The classes are sold as a package, and we do not offer refunds.

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