We welcome returning and new Riders to the 2025 Le Tour de Fort!
Our bicycle pub crawl allows adults to drink responsibly for a good cause. Le Tour de Fort is not a race, contest or competition. This is a social event. Our mission is to support Veterans, strengthen our community and bring people together for an awesome time. Our 'Tour Friendly Locations' are locally owned establishments that serve our Riders throughout the event, help with our mission of supporting Veterans and are a crucial component of the Tour. A complete list of Tour Friendly Locations will be released in the future. For now, count on all your favorites plus a few new locations as we get closer. Thank you for your support!
Registration for the event will be online only through May 24th at 11:59 pm. **PLEASE NOTE**
***Only Riders that place their ticket orders prior to May 24th are guaranteed shirts for this event. Riders that purchase tickets after May 24th at 11:59 pm EST will only have the option to purchase a 'Last Chance Ticket' and are NOT guaranteed a LTdF 2025 event shirt. We will do our best to provide shirts to ALL Riders. However, after May 24th, color, size and availability are not guaranteed.
Headquarters for Packet Pickup and the Official Start Point will be at Rudy's Shop located at 409 Brackenridge St, Fort Wayne, IN 46802.
*More information to follow regading festivities with Rudy's Shop annual Smoke Out, block party, beverage trucks, food, music and more. We are thrilled to be planting the flag for HQ at Rudy's Shop this year!
Friday, June 6th, 2025
12:00 PM – 7:00PM
Present your digital or paper Eventbrite ticket to redeem your LTdF shirt and bicycle bib number. Miscellaneous freebies and goodies will be available from sponsors and vendors in limited quantities.
Saturday, June 7th 2025
10:30AM-11:45AM: Last chance packet pickup
11:45 AM: Safety briefing and announcements
Noon-7:00PM: Riders released to visit Tour Friendly Locations
Continue to follow us for more news and information:
Facebook: Le Tour de Fort
Instagram: @LeTourdeFort