In this year of celebrating Lafayette's Bicentennial, it’s important to recognize the historical realities that are not always easy to discuss. However, it’s crucial that we acknowledge these uncomfortable truths as part of our shared history.
Join us for an afternoon that brings the history of Lafayette’s Underground Railroad to life. Inspired by the upcoming SAQA Quilt Show at the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette and with the tremendous support of the General De Lafayette DAR, this special event will showcase the intertwined roles of spirituals, quilting, and local figures in the fight for freedom
Dr. James Dekle and the Underground Railroad Choir will perform spirituals, exploring how these songs acted as secret codes, guiding escaped slaves on their journey to freedom. Their powerful performance will showcase the profound connection between music and survival.
Diana Vice will illuminate the stories of local figures like Freeman General Tootle and abolitionist Rebecca Ball, whose courage helped shape the region’s role in the Underground Railroad. Audrey Johnson of Of Thee I Sing will honor Rebecca Ball's legacy by performing two selections of Ball's poetry beautifully set to music of the Civil War Union composer George F. Root.
Linda Sorensen will discuss the techniques and artistry of quilting, while Dr. Deanna McMillan will reveal how quilts were used as hidden messages along the Underground Railroad. Their talks will highlight the remarkable ways in which quilts served as guides for freedom seekers.
This program is recommended for children ages 10 and older. Explore the art of Saundra Whiddon, whose pieces will be on display, that showcases moments from Lafayette's Underground Railroad. After the program, guests are invited to visit the Art Museum of Greater Lafayette to view the quilts in person at the SAQA Quilt Show and enjoy a catered reception.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn about how Lafayette played a crucial role in the raw and complex history of American slavery, and how its legacy continues to inspire courage and the pursuit of equality, even in troubling times.