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Kundalini Transmission with Kristin

A virtual class open to all to receive Kundalini Transmissions weekly. Kundalini Transmissions assist the process of spiritual awakening.

By Kristin Mothersbaugh - Cherry Blossom Spirituality

Select date and time

Wednesday, March 26 · 6 - 8pm PDT



Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.


6:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Greetings and Information About the Class

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


7:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Optional Sharing of Your Experience & Questions Answered

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

About the Facilitator:

Hello! My name is Kristin and I am a Certified Kundalini Activation Facilitator through Maria Palomino.

I had been on my spiritual journey for many years before I encountered something like this. I was blown away by experiencing classes of Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) founded by Venant Wong. This practice tremendously assisted me in getting through my dark night of the soul when I was feeling bogged down by doing daily intense shadow work. It helped me to swiftly shift some stuck patterns and reach trascendent higher states of consciousness. I also love Kundalini Yoga, but had taken a liking to these new types of KA (Kundalini Activation) & KAP, which focus on letting go, surrendering, and receiving, and each class being a completely different and personal organic experience. I felt a deep calling in my soul to include a kundalini energy transmission service as a foundational part of my business, so I found my teacher and became a facilitator to awaken the kundalini in others. I call mine "Kundalini Transmissions." I believe kundalini activating transmissions are a hugely beneficial tool for humanity in this time of ascension and I am so grateful to be one of those offering this.

In my opinion, it is best to choose whoever you resonate and align with as your facilitator with whatever version of kundalini activating is calling to you. It is totally okay if it's not mine through me, but I am here for the ones who do want to be facilitated by me. I am deeply honored to hold this frequency and transmit for you! I hope this assists you positively on your soul's journey. Thank you!!!

Here is my site to find out more about me and other offerings if you are interested:

Kundalini Transmission Explained:

Kundalini is the divinely intelligent electrical life-force energy within all human beings that starts really flowing when one's spiritual awakening begins. It is the Shakti energy that lies at the base of one's spine and works it's way through all of one's nadis, chakras, and granthi knots on one's spiritual awakening journey.

Kundalini Transmissions work like a tuning fork - the facilitator holds and transmits the frequency, and the receiver attunes to it just by intending to receive it, which allows the energy transmission to awaken and move their own kundalini. This practice is completely safe for those who are psychologically sound, and is experienced at the level that each receiver best benefits from, as it is working with one's own energy - giving one just what they need most in that moment to help their soul's growth. Kundalini transmissions are a very grounding type of energy healing, as one's body's kundalini is also connecting with the Earth's kundalini. It is also a more feminine practice contrasting the more masculine, structured, and disciplined ancient ones of willfully raising your kundalini, so this is great for anyone wanting to lean more into their divine feminine energy. It is important to note that energy work is not bound or diminished by time or space, and so the virtual transmissions are just as potent as an in-person one would be.

This is sacred work of self-care on one's spiritual journey that can greatly benefit one's life by raising one's vibrational frequency, assisting in energetic blockages to be cleared, and cultivating a deeper connection to Source.

More about Kundalini here:

What to Expect:

The virtual open class will be held via Zoom for $33/class every Wednesday 6 - 8 pm PST. This is a surrender-based practice, so feel free to lay down on a bed, yoga mat, or comfortable surface, with a blanket if you need, and be open to move if your body would like to. We will begin by briefly introducing ourselves and I will share some information about the practice. Then, I will guide you to relax and we will begin.

There will be music playing throughout the transmission, so I recommend headphones or a nice volume on whatever speakers you will be using. Feel free to use the restroom whenever needed, and have a drink of water on hand preferrably in case you get thirsty. I ask that your phone or computer camera will be showing at least a part of your body on the Zoom video when you are receiving the transmission please. I recommend being open to whatever experience happens in each transmission and not trying to control it with a specific intention. During the transmission, you may experience warm or cooling sensations, tingling or buzzing sensations, emotional release (this may be uncomfortable - this is all a natural and healthy part of the process - please allow yourself to feel and let the emotions flow through you), psychic visions, breakthroughs in awareness, waves of bliss, and willful or spontaneous body movements. Just one class is sometimes a roller coaster of many experiences and has been compared to a deep plant medicine journey. You may only experience a relaxing meditation or fun music listening session, but that does not mean your kundalini was not flowing. This practice is cumulative, so over repeated practice if you want to come back, you will most likely begin to be more sensitive to feeling the energy.

When we are finished, I will guide you out and then we will chat, sharing any insights or experiences you want to and asking any questions you have, and I will answer to the best of my ability. This sharing is optional. Class will then be complete. In the following days after the practice, you may have profound spiritual experiences and be able to move through life in a more empowered way.


By purchasing a ticket, you are agreeing to the following terms:

There is no guarantee of what you will experience in a Kundalini Transmission.

No refunds unless the event is cancelled.

Kundalini Transmission classes are not recommended and are not safe for those prone to mania, delusion, or psychosis.

Must be 18 years of age or older.

No recordings allowed.

It is not recommended to do this practice while pregnant.

Cherry Blossom Spirituality and the owner facilitating this class are not held accountable for decisions made by the attendee. This class is not to replace medical treatment, psychiatric treatment, or to act as legal or financial advice. If you have concerns in these areas, please consult a reputable professional in the respective field. The facilitator of this class is not responsible for any physical injuries, issues, or conditions. The facilitator is not guaranteeing any specific results to you and is only offering a service that may assist and support you. Any and all decisions and actions made by the individual participating in this class are the sole responsibility of that individual.

By registering for this class, you are verifying that you have read and agree to all of the above terms and conditions stated.


"My psychic abilities have increased since attending Kundalini Transmissions with Kristin."

- Repeat Class Attendee

"Kundalini Transmission with Kristin Mothersbaugh is something I am attending, again, and again, and again. I was new to her class and didn’t know what I would be expecting. Decided to join, to experience something new. This is what I discovered. Her divine feminine is so good at nurturing and holding space for all of us to safely receive and feel in stillness. Her ability to allow the healing energy to flow through her is so powerful, pure, and super clean. I personally experienced energy activation/cleanse (deep internal shower), mini ayahuasca journey, messages, deep sleep during the night and waking up feeling GOOD and renewed, still feel the healing after three days!! Kundalini Transmissions feel like another good source of medicine for the body. THANK YOU, Kristin, for sharing your gift. It’s benefiting my life in profound ways."

- First Time Class Attendee

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to have any prior experience before attending a Kundalini Transmission class?

No, beginners on their spiritual journey and people that have been on their spiritual journey a long time are welcome. People who are just curious and know nothing about kundalini are welcome as well.

Do I need to do anything to prepare before class?

You will need a safe space to relax into the practice, good wifi, Zoom downloaded on your device, a flat space to lay down, and comfortable clothes. It is not recommended to eat a large meal right before the class, but eating something is fine, as long as it does not hinder you uncomfortable.

Do I need to do anything in particular after class?

No, you can live your life, and hopefully this experience will have positively assisted you. Many feel the energy moving rapidly for about 3 days after and experience deeper insights for themselves. I do recommend drinking plenty of water and taking time to meditate over the next few days.

Will doing this practice this cause a spontaneous kundalini awakening ?

This practice will most likely not cause the chaotic fast kundalini awakening experiences we hear so much about in the spiritual community, simply because it is a gentle practice utilizing your body's own inner divine intelligence that moves the kundalini at the perfect pace for each person.

Will doing this practice cause upheavals in my life?

Spiritual awakenings on the ascension path do come with upheavals in life, so yes it can, however, whatever you encounter after this practice is there because you have the ability to heal, grow, and work through it for your soul's evolution.

Is this tantric?

There are many different types of tantric practices, and some utilize the activating and moving of kundalini energy, so yes there are some similarities. However, this practice does not originate from Tantra, so I would not call it tantric.

Is this satanic or a cult?

No, it is not either.

Will this practice physically heal me?

While I personally believe that this practice can be physically healing, I cannot professionally make that claim, so I must answer no. There have not been any scientific or medical tests with evidence to say it does or does not.

How do I book a personal 1:1 Live Zoom Kundalini Transmission with Kristin?

Individual classes will be organized through email - just email Kristin at: with your inquiry and we can work out a time to do a virtual Zoom session and method of payment.

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