Kayak and camp on the MKE river (3 day/2 night)

Kayak and camp on the MKE river (3 day/2 night)

Join us as we do a couple of awesome experiences in one weekend- Kayaking and camping.

By Silent Wake, LLC

Date and time

Friday, May 23 · 5 - 10pm CDT


Waubedonia Park

W1155 Fredonia Avenue Fredonia, WI 53021 United States

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.

About this event

  • Event lasts 5 hours

Join us as we do a couple of awesome experiences in one weekend. We will be tent camping at Waubedonia Park on both Friday and Saturday nights, and paddling on both Saturday and Sunday on the Milwaukee river. These segments of the river have woodlands, farm fields, small homesteads, scattered small islands, and wildlife along the way. There are a few riffles in some spots to liven up the gentile flow of the current. This is normally a very quiet segment of the Milwaukee river and perfect for one to bond with nature. There is no motor boat traffic on this stretch.

Skills needed for this trip – previous kayaking required for this trip because of the total distance.

Items required – Tent/sleeping pad/sleeping bag/camp chair. Appropriate paddle clothing for the water and air temps/rain gear. Snacks/food/water you wish to consume beyond the meals we will provide. You may bring your own kayak/pfd/paddle or reserve this gear with us upon registration. If bringing your own kayak, please note this is not a fiberglass friendly river. This is an alcohol free trip.

Total milage paddled – 25 milesLimited spaces available – maximum participants of 8.

Detailed trip information will be provided upon registration.

If water conditions are unsafe for this trip (current too fast/too high) – payments will be fully refunded.

Cost – $125 per person. Must RSVP before May 8th via the SIlent Wake webpage: https://silentwake.com/event/kayak-and-camp-weekend-on-the-mke-river/.

Organized by