Juggle Therapy is the newest wave in stress reduction, self-worth building and creation of new neural pathways! It is a moving meditation and resembles EMDR in both process and efficacy!
Don't know how to juggle? No problem- that's why I'm hosting the class! I want to teach you how. Don't have your own juggling balls? No problem! I have enough for 15 people!
Come and have some fun at Yoga Olas! Move around, learn a new skill that involves developing new neural pathways!
Already know how to juggle? Great! Come over and have some fun in the big open space of Yoga Olas and juggle with other people, or learn a new trick or two. Want to learn to juggle rings? I have some! A few clubs too. Have at it!
This event is free and is designed to get you started in your juggling journey! Hope to see you there!