Welcome to Jason Beard's Bring Joy at the Chico Women's Club! Join us for a fun-filled event where we celebrate joy, laughter, and good vibes. Jason Beard is founding member, guitarist, and co-songwriter of the Northern California bluegrass jamband Poor Man’s Whiskey. Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:30.
Bring Joy is Jason’s newest band based on the belief that music is a necessary shining light in the world that helps people connect,celebrate, and heal. It is a collaborative project with members of Poor Man’s Whiskey and friends with special guest vocalists and songwriters. Frequent guests include Jimbo Scott and Sarah Larkin (The Real Sarah’s). Live shows lean towards a high octane blend oforiginal music as well as covers dipping into some bluegrass/old time acoustic music,blues, rock, funky grooves and psychedelic rock.Jason explores other genres on his albums and singles which also include much more mellow and contemplative music such as solo acoustic guitar, singer songwriter, folk, and country. Jason likes to pay tribute to his influences and often will throw in some Paul Simon from Graceland.