Our world has arrived at a profound moment of transformation.
Many hunger for justice and peace, searching for ways to make
a positive difference and deepen their own spirituality.
Thousands around the world have found a way to accomplish
these goals through Transmission Meditation.
Transmission is a simple group meditation that provides both a
dynamic service to the world and a powerful means of personal
spiritual development. It was introduced in 1974 by a great
spiritual teacher, one of a group of enlightened, incorruptible,
compassionate teachers known as the Masters of Wisdom. They
are emerging now into the everyday world to help humanity
solve its most critical global problems.
Transmission Meditation is free, open to all, and will enhance
any other spiritual practice in which you might be engaged.
Please join us online for a free introductory talk and meditation on Saturday, April 12th at 7:30pm Eastern Time.