Interdisciplinary Communication: MATS Continuing Education Webinar Series

Interdisciplinary Communication: MATS Continuing Education Webinar Series

Helping MATS professionals navigate the interdisciplinary communication in addiction treatment settings.

By MHAI SWD Training Institute

Date and time

Tuesday, April 1 · 8 - 10am PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

This course will help the learner improve outcomes in their programs by gaining insight into the different roles on their team and to gain specific skills for interdisciplinary communication. This course will feature a 30-45 minute round table discussion with board certified addiction physician, Dr. Maria Bajuyo, and Nicole Valencia, LPN, MATS, and CADAC II.

Learning Objectives:

•Learn the importance of role clarity in an interdisciplinary team

•Discuss qualities of effective communication

•Learn and practice SBAR and CUS as tools for improving communication

This course provides 2 CEUs. CEUs are Category 1 CEU provided by Indiana State statute 839IAC 1-6-2(F)(86)

Additional Information:

This course meets education hours required for the ICAADA MATS continuing education but is not a substitute for the MATS trainings required to obtain the credential. More information on ICAADA credential requirements can be found here: .

This course also meets continuing education hours for recovery coach and CADAC credentials.

Registration information provided as part of this course may be used by MHAI for various purposes, including reporting to state agencies and other accreditation and/or funding sources.

Organized by

MHAI Stanley W. DeKemper Training Institute provides instructor-led, and self-paced coursesthat are delivered based upon evidenced-based and promissory practice methods. Our courses are delivered in methods that meet the four main learning styles. Our courses provide the opportunity for our learners to interact with the facilitators, work in small/large groups, explore concepts, and leave better prepared to work in the behavioral health profession. Skills development is a large focus of our courses to support professionals entering the field or growing their professional skillsets.

If you do not see a course that you are looking for, we encourage you to ‘follow’ us on social media and here on Eventbrite to ensure you are notified when new courses are opened for registration. We look forward to having you join us for an upcoming course.

All MHAI Stanley W. DeKemper Training Institute courses provide continuing education units (CEU) for all who complete the courses. CEU’s are provided pursuant to Indiana Administrative Code 839IAC 1-6-2(F)(86).

Please find our Refund Policy Here

Registration information provided as part of this course may be used by MHAI for various purposes, including reporting to state agencies and other accreditation and/or funding sources.
