[In-person] What Happens after Discharge?

[In-person] What Happens after Discharge?

The panel discussion focuses on the challenges faced by historically marginalized community members after discharge from the hospital.

By Penn Medicine Center for Health Equity Advancement

Date and time

Tuesday, April 8 · 11am - 12pm EDT


Pennsylvania Hospital

800 Spruce Street Zubrow Auditorium, Pennsylvania Hospital Philadelphia, PA 19107

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

The panel discussion focuses on the challenges faced by historically marginalized community members after discharge from the hospital. The discussion will cover strategies for assessing the social needs of patients as they prepare for discharge, ensuring that teams provide comprehensive care and support to historically vulnerable populations. There will be time for questions and answers.


  • Ayana Bradshaw, MPH; CEO of AccessMatters
  • D. Daphne Owen, MD; Penn Medicine / Puentes de Salud; 
  • J. Margo Brooks Carthon, PhD, APRN, FAAN; University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
  • Jovan Bennett, BS; Penn Medicine, Director or Penn Center for Community Health Workers
  • (Moderator) Stephanie C. Chando, PhD, LCSW, MSW, MEd; Penn Medicine

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Continuing Education Credit Instructions – Please complete before the events.

Recording Attendance Via text message:

Credits for the 2025 Health Equity Week will be recorded via text message. Please follow these set-up instructions to ensure you can text-in your attendance.

1. If you already have a CloudCME profile with us please verify that your mobile number is paired by texting your email address to (215) 398-6728. You will receive a text notification indicating your phone number has been updated.

2. If this will be your first time texting your attendance, you must first pair your mobile number to your account after you have created your profile at https://upenn.cloud-cme.com.

3. Text your CloudCME email address to (215) 398-6728. It is very important that you know which email address is linked to your profile.

4. You will receive a text notification indicating your phone number has been updated. Once your account is paired to your mobile number and you have obtained the event ID or code, send the ID or code via text to: (215) 398-6728.

If your email address needs to be updated, please contact the Office of CMIE at penncme@pennmedicine.upenn.edu. Do not create a new profile.

Please note that attendance can only be recorded 15 mins prior to the activity start time, during the activity and up to 24 hours after the end of the activity.

Frequently asked questions

Will this event be in person or virtual?

This is a hybrid event. Please feel free to RSVP to either the virtual or in-person depending on your availability!

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