History of Modern Spiritualism & The Fox Family

History of Modern Spiritualism & The Fox Family

Instructor: Rev Cosie Allen with Special Guest Speaker on March 31: Tracy Murphy

By National Spiritualist Association of Churches

Date and time

Monday, March 10 · 4 - 6pm PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

This class runs for 4 consecutive weeks start on March 10. The class fee covers all four weeks.

Week 1: Who is the Fox Family and their contribution to the Advent of Modern Spiritualism

Week 2: History of The Fox Cottage from Construction, to its trip down Erie Canal, To Lilydale Assembly

Week 3: Learn how the NSAC acquired the Property, find out what it looked like back then, to now

Week 4: Tracy Murphy, the Hydesville Memorial Park Caretaker and Director of Palmyra Historical Society gives her life's research into the property and family.

Frequently asked questions

Can I attend only some of the sessions for a lower fee?

Yes! You may register for only one or two of the sessions by contacting the NSAC office to register.

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