Guided by Animal Angels: 3 Steps to Find Peace After Animal Loss

Guided by Animal Angels: 3 Steps to Find Peace After Animal Loss

Join us online on 4/2/2025 at 11:00 AM Pacific (2pm EST) for "Guided by Animal Angels" to discover 3 steps to find peace after animal loss

By Kathleen Carroll Mason

Date and time

Wednesday, April 2 · 11am - 12:15pm PDT



About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 15 minutes

Guided by Animal Angels: 3 Steps to Find Peace After Animal Loss

The loss of an animal can leave a gaping hole in our heart.

It can feel impossible to let go of guilt, let alone find peace of mind. Believing that their love is still there? Even harder.

But what if you had the wisdom to know that they're still around us and we can feel connected to them?

This class is for animal-loving women ready to be free of wondering if they did the right thing for their animal friend, know that they don't have to let go, but instead feel their loving presence.

Discover why animal loss is different from other types of grief.

Learn to listen to your intuition – it's already connected to your animal angel.

Unlock unshakable confidence in knowing you did your best for them.

Are you ready for the Ultimate Framework that UNLOCKS the SECRETS to break free from noticing their absence and embrace feeling their presence?

Join this FREE 90-minute masterclass and take the first step toward healing and discovering the guidance you need now.

Here's what attendees to our masterclasses have said:

"Thank you so much for such deep insight."

"Thanks so much for giving us all this time."

"Thank you for such a great session."

Sign up now and save the date! See you there!

Frequently asked questions

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Hi, Kathleen Carroll Mason here; I guide animal-loving women to channel their love of animals into finding healing, clarity and purpose in life.