Great and Small Sensory-Friendly Easter Egg Hunt!
Join us for this special event on Sunday, April 6, 2025, from 1-3 pm, in support of Great and Small, a nonprofit serving those with special needs and disabilities!f
A fun, inclusive, and family friendly Easter egg hunt designed for people with special needs and of all ages and abilities. Our sensory-friendly event will take place at the beautiful Great and Small farm, at 17320 Moore Rd in Boyds, MD. Get ready to search for colorful eggs and enjoy a day of fun activities and snacks. Don't miss out on this egg-citing event!
About the event
Tickets are $10 per adult. Children aged 3 and above are $5, and kids under the age of 2 are free!
Enjoy a calm, welcoming atmosphere while hunting for colorful eggs, engaging in fun activities, and celebrating the season with other families. We look forward to welcoming you there for snacks, drinks, and fun!
Our mission is to provide Equine-Assisted Activities and Therapies (EAAT) to people of all ages with a range of physical, developmental, emotional, and learning disabilities and challenges. Through supportive and therapeutic engagement with horses we strengthen and empower our riders, helping them develop their full potential.
Founded in 1998 by current Executive Director Sarah Phelps, with three children from DC’s abuse and neglect system, Great and Small now provides 3,430 program hours to 272 participants annually. Our rider population is diverse ethnically and economically.
We operate on a minimal budget with a small expert and committed team to serve those eager to reap the benefits of equine-assisted experiences.
Our riders credit the program with lasting, positive changes to their quality of life. We are committed to keeping service fees within reach to serve as many families and riders as possible, so service fees comprise only about 30% of our operating expenses. The remainder of our budget is secured through donors, sponsors, and grants.
With more resources, Great and Small can expand to meet our growing waitlist and serve more people with special needs!
Your support will help us to offer our services to those who need us the most. Please consider donating (here) – we cannot thank you enough.
The Team
An expert, committed, and engaged volunteer Board of Directors supports the incredible Great and Small team, led by Sarah Phelps and including an occupational therapist providing hippotherapy services. A roster of 134 dedicated volunteers assist with riders, mounted or unmounted, and help across the farm.
- More info about Great and Small on our website
- Watch a short video here for a sense of the magic of Great and Small!
- Please contact about this event or our programs