Welcome to the East Valley Annual Home and Landscape Show! Homeowners and families come to the East Valley Home Show to gather ideas, information, and to meet with experts in dozens of different fields. You have the opportunity to interact with home remodeling specialists from so many companies at one time, under one roof. If you’ve got a project in mind, this is the place to find advice and assistance. You’ll also have the chance to check out products and services to improve the enjoyment and quality of your life, sample local foods, purchase art, and unique gifts, plus much more. With shows in the spring and fall, it’s no wonder why our show is suited for both women and men. In addition to the Home and Landscape Show check out the Women's Day Out Expo too. There's something for EVERYONE! We'll see you at the next Gilbert show inside the spacious Elegante Ballroom at the Gilbert Doubletree Hotel.
VENDOR LINE: 602-625-3000 E-Mail: info@homeandlandscapeshow.com or info@WomensDayOutExpo.Com