[FREE] Virtual Postpartum Recovery Workshop

[FREE] Virtual Postpartum Recovery Workshop

Plan your post-partum recovery. This class is open to prenatal and postnatal birthing people and their support person. Virtual

By NYC Center for Health Equity & Community Wellness

Select date and time

Saturday, March 29 · 7 - 8am PDT



About this event

In this class we help families in both understanding and navigating common physical, mental and even emotional changes after baby's arrival.

Participants will learn: 

• Basic nutritional planning and meal prepping 

• Baby nurse options 

• Tips for optimal breastfeeding 

• Resources for developing a postpartum support system 

• When to reach out to a healthcare provider 

Each participant will receive a printable, customizable postpartum planning checklist.

Instructor Bio:

Kayann Stephens, from Childbirth Now is a licensed registered nurse, who has worked with the top OB and midwife practices throughout the tri-state. She brings her expertise in pregnancy and childbirth to the Family Wellness Suite at the Harlem Neighborhood Health Action Center.

More Childbirth Now Classes:

More classes for expecting people:

Breastfeeding 101 Q&A

For more programming, view our Harlem Neighborhood Health Action Center and Harlem Family Wellness Suite main page.

For more information please contact HarlemFWS@health.nyc.gov

Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes prior to the class start time. This is a one part class.

Organized by

The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Center for Health Equity & Community Wellness uses an anti-racism and place-based approach to improve the health and well-being of New Yorkers.

Our mission is to reduce and minimize unfair exposure to risk and to advance health justice and social change.

Our vision is for every New Yorker to live in a thriving neighborhood with fair access to resources that support a healthy community.

Visit our Neighborhood Health Action Centers to learn more.