(free) Toddler Yoga/ Yoga para niños pequeños

(free) Toddler Yoga/ Yoga para niños pequeños

Caregivers and toddlers will both engage in fun movements to relax and improve flexibility. Open to toddler ages1to 4-year-olds.

By NYC Center for Health Equity & Community Wellness

Select date and time

Wednesday, May 7 · 11am - 12pm EDT


East Harlem Neighborhood Health Action Center

158 East 115th Street New York, NY 10029

About this event

Our toddler yoga classes are designed for caregivers and toddlers, both will engage in fun movements to relax and improve flexibility!

Open to toddler ages 1 to 4-year-olds and their caregivers.

Limited space available, registration required. 1 Ticket includes 1 adult and 1 toddler, if you are bringing more than one toddler, please email us.

All caregivers are required to participate during yoga time.

Program starts at 11am but yoga starts at 11:15am on the dot!

Nuestras clases de yoga para niños pequeños están diseñadas para cuidadores y niños pequeños, ¡ambos realizarán movimientos divertidos para relajarse y mejorar la flexibilidad!
Abierto a niños pequeños de 1 a 4 años y a sus cuidadores.

Espacio limitado disponible, se requiere registro. 1 boleto incluye 1 adulto y 1 niño pequeño; si trae más de un niño pequeño, envíenos un correo electrónico.

Todos los cuidadores deben participar durante el tiempo de yoga.
¡El programa comienza a las 11 a. m., pero el yoga comienza a las 11:15 a. m. en punto!

The Family Wellness Suite provides a lactation room for moms who are currently breastfeeding and a baby changing station. Contact us at HarlemFWS@health.nyc.gov

For more programming, view our Harlem Neighborhood Health Action Center and Harlem Family Wellness Suite main page.

Organized by

The NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Center for Health Equity & Community Wellness uses an anti-racism and place-based approach to improve the health and well-being of New Yorkers.

Our mission is to reduce and minimize unfair exposure to risk and to advance health justice and social change.

Our vision is for every New Yorker to live in a thriving neighborhood with fair access to resources that support a healthy community.

Visit our Neighborhood Health Action Centers to learn more.