FREE Queer Men's Self-Care Day Retreat @ Kripalu (Stockbridge, MA)

FREE Queer Men's Self-Care Day Retreat @ Kripalu (Stockbridge, MA)

Join 10 queer men in FREE transforming exploration of Kripalu's self-care offerings: yoga, hiking, yogadance, meditation, amazing meals, etc

By Q-MoB (Queer Men of the Berkshires)

Select date and time

Monday, April 21 · 7am - 9pm EDT


Kripalu Center For Yoga & Health

57 Interlaken Road Stockbridge, MA 01262

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

In honor of all the transformative play, work, and community-building Q-MoB & its 800 rural queer men have done in the last 2 years all over the Greater Berkshire Region, Kripalu has invited a group of 10 of us to, FOR FREE, spend a day exploring many ways to practice self care, rest, rejuvenation, and building a team to support one another and our communities in prioritizing the daily practice of transformative self care. Throughout the day you will have the opportunity to try

  • many forms of yoga,
  • meditation,
  • yoga dance,
  • various Ayurvedic wellness clases, including nutrition, rest & relaxation techniques
  • mindful hiking,
  • kayaking (in the warmer months),
  • walking the labyrinth
  • eating some of the freshest & best food you've ever had,
  • rest and relax, and
  • meet with the other queer men at every meal to talk about your strengths in self care and in what ways you want to improve or transform your relationship with your body and Spirit.


You can arrive whenever you want and leave whenever you want and attend any of the R&R programs offered on this schedule (note you must enter the specific date of the retreat you are registering for & this online R&R schedule is only populated about 3 months in advance & is subject to change), and you only have to pre-register for guided hikes or guided kayaking.

WHO CAN REGISTER: This retreat is limited to queer men who are Q-MoB Subscribers. If you are not yet a Q-MoB Subscriber, and you identify as a queer man and lives in one of the 8 counties in 4 states that make up the Greater Berkshire Region please click this link to BECOME A SUBSCRIBER. Also, to attend this retreat you must register and provide your name, email, address, phone number, age range, and diversity identifications. If you register 2 men, you must provide this information for each registrant.


1) Comfortable clothes you can move freely in (you can store your street clothes & technology in a locked locker)

2) If you might like to hike or walk outside, please also bring good walking footwear (that could get muddy), raingear, water bottle, a fleece or pullover, sunglasses.

3) $20-$100 Tax-Deductible Donation Paid Online, in cash, or check made out to "BSCC" (Q-MoB's 501(c)3 Non-Profit Fiscal Sponsor), or JOIN Q-MOB so you never have to donate at any regular Q-MoB event, or just come for FREE if this is the very 1st Q-MoB event you have ever attended

4) Your ID and license plate number to give to Kripalu to get your name badge & parking permission.

5) In warmer months & if you want to kayak, bring a bathing suit, sunscreen, sun glasses.

Q-MoB's group meets at every meal to check in about 1) our self care goals for the retreat, 2) what we are discovering at the retreat that we may want to bring back to our ordinary life, 3) what challenges we have with self-care and what help experience the group may have that might help us, 4) how we may want to support one another when we go back home. The Q-MoB meal schedule is:

Breakfast 8-9am (we meet in our Home Room)
Lunch 12-1pm (meet in main dining hall)
Dinner 6-7pm (meet in main dining hall)

CARPOOLING/RIDE-SHARE: If you need a ride or are open to carpooling, please indicate that when you are registering, & our ride coordinator will try to match you with people nearby who are interested in carpooling or offering rides.

DONATE OR BECOME A MONTHLY SUSTAINING MEMBER: Please donate $20-$100 to help assure Q-MoB can continue to offer more than 20 activities & multiple resources & services to rural queer men all over the region. If you attend 2 or more Q-MoB events/month, please consider becoming a monthly sustaining donor member. By donating $25, $50, $75, or $100/month you can help to sustain the incredible variety of activities, services, and resources Q-MoB provides and assure all of these activities are accessible to men regardless of their age, income, or ability, and best of all you can avoid having to donate at each and every event you attend. Monthly Sustaining Members pay only once a month and then can attend all our activities with no further donation.

HOW TO REACH US THE DAY OF THE HIKE: If you have trouble finding us, will be late, or can't make it, please call/text Bart at 503-734-6508.

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