FREE: 2025 BodyParts Virtual Every Wed+Fri /Cardio+Strength @ 8:10-9:10am
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The pilot Free Senior Wellness series is a new initiative that was created in September-November. 2023. The participants in the BodyParts Fitness 'Line-Dance' class, etc., and our Instructor-Maddy want to continue offering these popular sessions for the summer. ***MISSION: Moving forward, more "FREE"' pilot 'Senior Citizens Wellness Programs' are expanding in Communities *** OBJECTIVE: Host the program for seniors on an annual basis. *** You rarely find complimentary health-fit-wellness, recreation, and educational resources in inner-city neighborhoods! *** GOAL: Offer services at minimal cost or free...! # 36-4415372 Nonprofit Community Service Donations Welcomed:
* *Now is the time to start -or continue to take Positive "Steps" that can enormously impact your current and future health. Thanks in advance for your support! In Health (3JOHN2)