Foraging: Maples, Antlers, Mushrooms!
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Foraging: Maples, Antlers, Mushrooms!

Look for deer Antlers, tap a tree, Learn about Chaga, mushrooms, forage winter edibles and "Pre-Foraging" Ages 6 -Adult, Moderate Hiking

By Cooking With Mrs. G!

Date and time

Saturday, March 22 · 2 - 4pm EDT


Waters Farm Preservation Inc

53 Waters Road Sutton, MA 01590

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 2 days before event


2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Meeting and briefing

Gather in the Darling Barn to: Sign in, introductions, Deer Antler physiology and hands-on, winter mushrooms ex: chaga, taste raw maple sap, learn identification and tips and tricks, ask questions

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tree Tapping

Head outside to Identify and tap a tree. Ex: Maple, Birch, black walnut

3:00 PM

Deer Tracking and Foraging Skills

Learn deer tracking and antler shed-finding tips while we head into the forest to find wild winter herbs and edibles.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Ages 6 to Adult: Learn tips to track deer and find fallen deer antlers, identify Sugar Maples and learn to tap, hike into the forest to find winter edibles, learn about Chaga and other mushrooms, what is "Pre-Foraging" and how to do it, and more! I will teach you how to identify edibles safely, methods of preparation and preservation, nutritional and medicinal value. Bring a camera and/or notebook so you can document our finds, collection bags (plastic, paper or cloth), and a knife or shears. Wear comfortable walking shoes or boots as the terrain may be uneven or slippery! Dress in layers to keep warm. I will have my Poison Ivy-Neutralizing Wild Herbal First Aid Salve, Wildflower syrups, Hickory Syrup, and other things I make from the wild for sale and to taste and try before and after class. Portion of proceeds will benefit Waters Farm Preservation, help preserve this beautiful historic farm and forest. Directions: Put 53 Waters Rd, Sutton, MA into your GPS, it will take you a tiny bit too far so as your approach the address, watch for the sign post just before the big green field on the left that says, “Darling Barn”. Turn left at the signpost and go down the long dirt road. Class will start at the Darling Barn which is the big brown barn behind the field. Park in lot and enter the barn for check- in. If you get all the way to the red Waters farmhouse with the glass display case, you've only gone a little too far, turn around, pass the field and turn down the dirt drive- you will see the big brown wooden barn behind the field from the road.

Organized by

Rachel Goclawski, Forager and Certified Educator, state-certified in Mushrooming, is a Programming Partner with the Museum of Natural History, New England Botanic Garden, Sudbury Valley Trustees, etc. Rachel comes from a long line of foragers, including her great-grandfather, Dr. Arthur W. Fairbanks, a founder of the Boston Mycological Club in the 1800's. Rachel is a Contributing Writer for “Now, Forager” in The Cook’s Cook Magazine, and has been featured in The Boston Globe, Bay State Parents Magazine, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, Millbury-Sutton Chronicle, Television Documentaries, and other media/print.