Flea Market June - Vendor Registration Only

Flea Market June - Vendor Registration Only


By The Historic Village at Allaire

Date and time

Saturday, June 14 · 8am - 2pm EDT


The Historic Village at Allaire

4263 Atlantic Avenue Wall Township, NJ 07727

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 6 hours

Hunt for bargains among vintage treasures, thrifted items, books, art work, handmade items, knick-knacks and more! Vendor spaces are available for $45 per space.

Vendor Spaces are 20'x30'. Assisting Vehicles are $5 per car.

Box Trucks, Long Trucks, and Trailers must purchase 2 spaces. The event runs from 8am - 2pm.

Rain date: Sunday, June 15th.

No Refunds Allowed. If you do not show up for your reserved space, you cannot transfer the funds to another date.

Admission sold at the door.$5 per person 12 and up (donation to the Historic Village at Allaire). Includes free admission to the Historic Village at Allaire.

For all COMMERCIAL Vendors, please contact Sylvia Allen at (732) 946-2711 to secure your sponsored spot for $495.

VENDORS Rules and Regulations

1. VENDORS MUST PRE-REGISTER. There will be no registration day of event. NO REFUNDS for any reason. NO EXCEPTION.


The Flea Market closes to the public at 2 pm. Vendors must have their area cleaned up and EXIT the Park by 4:00 p.m. NO EXCEPTIONS

3. WEATHER: In case of inclement weather, it is at the discretion of Allaire Village Inc. to reschedule. There are NO refunds or switching of dates when a flea market is held on a rain date. If inclement weather is forecasted, call 732-919-3500 after 4pm the day before the event for a special message or check all social media platforms. The Superintendent of Allaire State Park reserves the right to cancel any Flea Market if the field is deemed unsuitable for parking.

4. For all COMMERCIAL Vendors, please contact Sylvia Allen at (732) 946-2711 to secure your sponsored spot for $495.

5. REGISTRATION FEE: $45 per 20’ x 30’ per space You can register online at AllaireVillage.org (events tab via Eventbrite), or mail (must be postmarked one week prior to event). PLEASE register early as vendor capacity is limited and sells out fast!

7. ASSISTING VEHICLE: $5.00 per vehicle. Vendors may be accompanied onto the show field by one pre-registered vehicle (transporting additional sale items). Once unloaded, the assisting vehicle must be parked along the tree line at the east of the show field.

8. Vendors with large BOX TRUCKS or TRAILERS MUST PURCHASE 2 SPACES. Trailers must stay attached to the Vehicle at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS

9. SET-UP TIME: GATES OPEN at 6 AM or day break when enough light is available for safety. Only by simultaneous arrival, can two vendors be certain that they will be parked together. Vendors will not be permitted to hold adjacent spaces for later arriving vendors. CARS that are lined up on Rt. 524 (Atlantic Ave) or in front of the park entrance, are subject to be ticketed by police.

10.CARS MUST enter the Park by making a right hand turn only (from east bound lane Rt. 524) Cars may not make a left hand turn into the Park (from west bound lane Rt. 524).

11.SHOW FIELD PARKING: Vendor space on the show field will be determined by the order of arrival and at the discretion of Allaire Personnel. PARALLEL PARKING FOR ANY CAR/TRUCK REQUIRES DOUBLE SPACE. NO generators or space heaters allowed.

12.ACCOMMODATIONS: Vendors must supply their own tables, chairs, canopies, etc. Items for sale must be displayed within the space. Do not display items on the outside of your space.

13.DEBRIS DISPOSAL: Allaire State Park is a “Carry-in / Carry-out” facility. All trash, litter or debris brought into the Park or generated while in the Park must be taken with you when you leave. If debris remains in your area after your departure, you will be excluded from future flea markets. We will enforce this.

14.NOT PERMITTED: Vendors may NOT display or sell food, baked good or beverages for consumption, or any weaponry including but not limited to guns, bows, arrows, swords, knives. Only knives under 16in. may be displayed if they are in a locked case and under constant supervision. Additionally, illegally trademarked items and items deemed by Allaire Village, Inc. to be inappropriate are prohibited. No HATE material or merchandise may be sold. All is on the discretion of Allaire Village.

15.Allaire Village, Inc. and Allaire State Park/NJDEP bears no responsibility for any theft, accident or injury while on the grounds to personal or commercial property.

16.Upon arrival, Vendors are not to hold up the line in anyway.

17. All helper plus sales help must arrive in one car upon vendor entry. No Exceptions

The flea markets at Allaire are fundraisers for The Historic Village at Allaire which is a 501(c)3 non profit organization that maintains the historic buildings and educational programming for over 9000 students annually.

$5 – $45