Fashion Over 50 Symposium
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Fashion Over 50 Symposium

Featuring experts in fashion forecasting, image consulting, design, media and retail.

By FIT Fashion and Textile Studies Department

Date and time

Friday, April 11 · 1 - 5pm EDT


Fashion Institute of Technology

227 West 27th Street Katie Murphy Amphitheatre (the northwest corner of West 27th Street and Seventh Avenue) New York, NY 10001

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

The over-50 fashion market is surging as Generation-X women join their Baby-Boomer sisters, swelling an already significant economic niche. Yet this cohort, with its considerable spending power, is often overlooked by the fashion industry and fashion media—a problem exacerbated by shrinking retail selections and the shift to online shopping. How can the industry—and individual women—respond?

Fashion Over 50: Women’s Self-Images, Shopping Frustrations, and Solutions will offer insights for creating and marketing to this underserved cohort, featuring experts in fashion forecasting, image consulting, design, media, and retail. We invite members of the fashion industry, academia, and the public to join us in this intriguing discussion.


Frequently asked questions

Where at FIT is the event being held?

At Katie Murphy Amphitheatre inside the Pomerantz building (the northwest corner of West 27th Street and Seventh Avenue).

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