Every.Black International Entrepreneur Mastermind Meeting

Every.Black International Entrepreneur Mastermind Meeting

Network with Entrepreneurs from around, learn about entrepreneurship, how to use technology in business and hear dynamic amazing speakers.

By Every.Black, LLC

Select date and time

Monday, April 7 · 4:50 - 6:20pm PDT



About this event

Join Entrepreneurs Virtually and Network Globally

The first Monday of each month at 7:50 PM (EST)

Attend and interact with entrepreneurs from around the world. We meet each week to read and discuss books to learn about entrepreneurship, learn how to apply artificial intelligence (AI) and technology to our businesses and network with like minded individuals from around the world. Listen to and learn from amazing dynamic speakers. Learn a new technology tip each week to implement in your business. Develop a positive mental attitude to accomplish your goals. Brainstorm to find innovative solutions. Learn from the experience of others in a friendly, nurturing atmosphere of accountability, support and faith. If you want to learn what it takes to successfully arrive at your entrepreneurial destination, then you need to attend our weekly Every.Black International Entrepreneur Mastermind meetings.

These meetings started over 90 years ago by a man named SB Fuller.

SB Fuller (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_B._Fuller) started a business with $25 and created a corporation bringing in over $18 million each year. For over 40 years he mentored thousands of other entrepreneurs through weekly meetings where they read books and networked with one another. One of the people he helped was a man by the name of Joe L. Dudley, Sr., (https://www.patreon.com/joedudleysr) of Dudley Beauty products. Dudley started with $10 and created a company grossing over $35 million each year. When SB Fuller passed, Joe L. Dudley, Sr. promised Fuller that he would continue the weekly meetings to help other aspiring entrepreneurs. Dudley has kept that promise for another 40 years and still continues to do so today. I had the privilege of attending the meetings at the home of Joe L. Dudley, Sr. in 2015 and now we conduct our own meetings virtually each week (http://www.every.black/masterminds). The legacy continues!

Thank you for registering to attend the Every.Black International Entrepreneur Mastermind Meeting. Be sure to attend on the First Monday of Each Month and tell a friend. I look forward to seeing you there!


Jimmy J. Davies, Founder of Every.Black, Jimmy@Every.Black

Join the Every.Black Family at www.Every.Black/Join to receive your 30 DAY FREE Trial Membership.

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About Every.Black

Our mission is to teach entrepreneurs how to use software applications to increase profitability and efficiency in business while providing ongoing marketing and networking opportunities for the members of Every.Black. The founder, Jimmy J. Davies, has provided computer software training and FileMaker Pro database development services for individuals, small businesses, major corporations and government agencies since 1988. Go to www.Every.Black/Join to become a member and get a 50% discount on all computer classes.

Contact: Jimmy J. Davies, Founder, Jimmy@Every.Black - .Black is the New .Com!

“Where there is change, there is opportunity. Since change is constant, there is always opportunity.” ... Jimmy J. Davies