Are you a truly grateful person? What is your evidence, one way or the other?
Life offers us many opportunities each day to lean into the good, and yet why is it so often we find ourselves doing just the opposite? What does the research show about gratitude: its importance, what true gratitude looks like, how to develop it and sustain it? How can gratitude help us navigate grief and loss? What is the intersection between gratitude and spirituality? How can gratitude become a deeply embedded spiritual habit which moves us closer to God and others?
The Christian faith is rooted in both the praxis and the theology of gratitude. We will explore these roots with the hope of deepening our own gratitude and expressions of gratitude.
We are very honored and pleased to have Kathy Legg, Theology Co-chair at Bishop Feehan HIgh School, lead us through this evening of reflection! This event is open to all women. We hope you can join us - and bring a friend!