Empower Her! Sis, It's Your Season to Win Empowerment Conference 2025

Empower Her! Sis, It's Your Season to Win Empowerment Conference 2025

It's time for our Sisters to focus on empowering her Mental, Physical, & Spiritual being and to WIN in every stage of her life.

By Joanna Rollins

Date and time

Saturday, July 12 · 9am - 2pm EDT


New Genesis Total Praise Center, Inc

314 North Gilmor Street Baltimore, MD 21223

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Sisterhood is the relationship and bond that is shared by all women regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or demographics but it is about building the life and the spirit of a woman who looks and sounds just like you. Join Destiny4Daughters Empowerment Coaching Group as we host our Empower Her! Sis, It's Your Season to Win Empowerment Conference 2025. Our mission is to Empower, Insipre, & Equip our sisters with the tools to WIN in every stage of life! This is a day all about and for you. This years conference will give each attendee the opportunity to be empowered Empower Her sessions as we delve into the importance of Mental, Spiritual, & Physical health.

This is cnference is open to all women near and far. As your conference host, it is my assignment to ensure that every woman leaves empowered and no longer bound by what has hindered you when you walk thorugh those empowerment doors. This day is to speak to the internal womanso that she can soar into her winning season. When you attend this conference, come with an open mind and spirit to receive what you need to help push you to your next. Even if you come wounded or boggled down with life, I want you to still come because something is going to be shared to meet you right were you are. This year's conference will have Empower Her segments: Empower Her! Dreams & Goals: Presenter (Dr. Ajao), Empower Her! Physical Health (Preserving your body): Presenter (Jasmine Foster), Empower Her! Self Care (the Soft Life): Presenter (Sam Smith) and Empower Her! Spiritual Health: Guest Speaker. Dr. Victoria Harrs. So, see there will be something just for you. Bring your bestie, your mother, your sister/friend, or any phenomenal woman that you know.

This conference will have on site vendors that you will be able to support ranging. We ask that you stay all day to get the full experience of this even and note there will be breaks in between sessions. If you have any questions feel free to email them to Joanna (Founder/Empowerment Coach) at destiny4daughters@gmail.com. Always remember Greatness Lives Inside of you and I am here to help bring the best out of you.

Please note that Destiny4Daughters Empowerment Coaching Group, vendors, event venue and any of its affiliates will not be held liable injuires, damages, or responsible for any information received or items purchased. They are not responsible for any one contracting any viral infections or becoming ill before, during, or after the event. They nor its affiliates will be held liable or responsible for any damages to themselves or their accompanied guest. All guest and vendors are to ensure that their personal items are with them at all times, for we will not be held liable and/or responsible for missing or stolen items. Even though mask are not mandatory, it is strongly suggested if you have a compromised immune system to wear face coverings at your discretion.

We are not responsible for purchases made by guest at vendor stations.



Early Bird Registration (Non Refundable): $20 (includes continental breakfast, light fare lunch, & gift bag). Limited Early Bird Tickets (while supplies). No additional discounts or presenter promo codes are applicable for this registration fee. January 20, 2025-March 31, 2025 (registration subject to end if all early bird seats are secured)

General Registration (Non Refundable): $50 (includes continental breakfast, light fare lunch, & gift bag). March 31, 2025-June 30, 2025 (registration end date subject to end early if all seats have been secured, presenter promo codes can be applied to this registration)

Last Day Registration (Non-Refundable): $65 (includes continental breakfast, light fare lunch, & gift bag) June 30, 2025-July 8, 2025 (registration end date subject to end if all seats have been secured, presenter promo codes can be applied to this registration)

I am excited about seeing my sisters in July. Come ready to be inspired and WIN. If you have any questions please contact Joanna (Founder/Empowerment Coach) via email for a faster response at destiny4daughters@gmail.com.

Frequently asked questions

Is this event open to just women?

Yes, this event is for women only.

How long is the event?

This event will be from 9:00m-1:30pm

Is Mask required to attend?

Mask are at the discretion of the attendees. We strongly suggest those that have compromising immune systems use sound judgement in attending. Please note, that those host/organizers, any affiliates and guest will not be held liable or responsible for any illness.

Is there a fee for this event?

Yes, this is a paid registration event. Registration includes, continental breakfast, light fare lunch, and gift bag.

Do you have to register for this event?

Yes, registration is required.

How can a guest inquire about more information about Destiny4Daughters Empowerment Coaching Group

Guest can contact Joanna Rollins (Founder/Empowerment Coach) via email for a faster response at destiny4daughters@gmail.com or destiny4daughters0.wixsite.com/my-sitvcoachinge

Are there sponsorship availablity?

Yes, we are accepting sponsors for this event. For further inquiries please email us at destiny4daughters@gmail.com

Organized by

As the founder of Destiny4Daughters Empowerment Coaching Group and Women Inspiring Women to WIN! Ms. Joanna is an empowerment and networking coach and motivational speaker whose assignment is to strengthen and equip women, young ladies and entrepreneurs to reach their destiny and to become a better version of who they are personally and professionally. Her unique style of teaching and pulling out the best in her clients and those who she mentors speaks volumes of how she cares for those who she serves. She is a Mother, Entrepreneur, Motivator, Administrator, Coach, that does not mind doing the hard work of making someone else better. Joanna holds an Associate of Applied Science in Human Services Counseling (Behavioral Health), Certificate in Business Skills Training, and is currently pursuing a Certification in Childcare Growth & Development. Her motto is: Never Stop Dreaming When You Don't Have TOO!

Early bird discount