✨ Egypt Revisited: A Gateway to the 11.11 Egypt Sacred Pilgrimage ✨
Activate Your Soul Codes and Unlock your Sacred Life Mission with Ancient Egyptian Wisdom!
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About this event
Organized by
Mother of 11.11 Unified Portal Gatherings, Awakened Leader & Visionary Pioneer.
Lead Producer of 11.11 Unified Virtual Experience & Executive Director of Transdimensional Illumination 501(c)3: “Co-Creating Multi-Dimensional Experiences for our Awakening”.
She is a multi-dimensional BEing of LIGHT, in a 3-D human body, here to be in service to humanity’s awakening and the healing of Gaia. Her purpose is to weave commUNITY together, co-creating transformational experiences and global events, that are both inspiring and impactful.
She is a lover of Mothership Gaia & a steward of the New bEARTH. It is her greatest wish and desire to shine her light bright, inspiring others to do the same; to activate their DNA codes, follow their hearts, their innate wisdom & intuition, while tapping into their own extrasensory abilities, to WEmember the truth of all that is- that we are all ONE!
She is an author, healer, mentor, team leader, ceremonial creatrix & passionate woman IN ACTION. She has taught at retreats, festivals & special events around the globe, for over 20 years. As a mother & an empath, her heart-centered shares are both touching & inspiring!
BA in Psychology and Philosophy, Psi Chi National Honor Society, Advanced ThetaHealer, Certified Massage Therapist, Therapeutic Touch, Conscious Colors Tuning Fork and Aromatherapy Practitioner, Chakra Yoga, Birth Arts International, Resonance Project Delegate, The Golden City Ambassador, Intuitive Channel.