Early College Open House at Greenville Tech's Northwest Campus

Early College Open House at Greenville Tech's Northwest Campus

Come check out Greenville Tech's Northwest Campus at our Early College Open House. Get a head start on your college journey!

By Greenville Technical College

Date and time

Friday, April 18 · 10 - 11am EDT


Greenville Technical College - Northwest Campus

8109 White Horse Road Greenville, SC 29617

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

Join us for the Early College Open House at Greenville Tech's Northwest Campus to see how you can earn college credit while still in high school and get hands-on experience in exciting career fields!

At the Early College Open House, you'll:

✅ Tour our campus and explore state-of-the-art training facilities

✅ Meet faculty and staff who will guide you on your early college journey

✅ Learn about in-demand career paths in Culinary Arts and Veterinary Assistant programs—along with other health care programs—offered at our Northwest Campus.

Featured Programs:

  • Early College/Dual Enrollment General Overview
  • Early College Veterinary Assistant Certificate Pathway
  • Early College Summer Culinary Program

This event is the perfect opportunity to learn how Early College at Greenville Tech can set you up for success. Come see all that our campus has to offer and discover the exciting opportunities available to high school students.

We can't wait to welcome you to Greenville Tech's Northwest Campus!

¡Regístrate hoy para asistir a nuestra próxima jornada de puertas abiertas y aprender más!

Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de Universidad Temprana /Inscripción Dual en el Campus Noroeste de Greenville Tech

¡Ven a conocer el Campus Noroeste de Greenville Tech en nuestra Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de Universidad Temprana! ¡Comienza tu camino Universitario antes de tiempo!

Acerca de este evento

¡Únete a nosotros en la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de Universidad Temprana en el Campus Noroeste de Greenville Tech para descubrir cómo puedes ganar créditos universitarios mientras aún estás en la escuela secundaria y obtener experiencia práctica en emocionantes campos profesionales!

En la Jornada de Puertas Abiertas de Universidad Temprana, podrás:

✅ Recorrer nuestro campus y explorar las instalaciones de capacitación de última generación.

✅ Conocer a los profesores y personal que te guiarán en tu camino hacia la Universidad Temprana.

✅ Aprender sobre las carreras con alta demanda en los programas de Artes Culinarias y Asistente Veterinario, junto con otros programas de salud, ofrecidos en nuestro Campus Noroeste.

Greenville Technical College provides equal opportunity and affirmative action in education and employment for all qualified persons regardless of race color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status. For Title II/Section 504 inquiries, contact the Student Disability Resource Center, Student Center (Bldg. 105, Rm. 113, Barton Campus), 864-250-8202, DisabilityServices@gvltec.edu. For Title IX inquiries, contact the Associate Dean of Students, Student Center (Bldg. 105, Rm. 218H, Barton Campus), 864-236-6523, TitleIX@gvltec.edu.

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