Denver Dating Drags! Not only does dating in this town drag tremendously, but it drags for everyone! Even the most eligible drag artists around are dragging their feet in this disasturous dating scene! But have no worries, come join us at Pearl Divers Tiki Bar for a night of meet cues, sapphic drag, party games, dancing, and the chance to win a date with one of our featured drag artists, Burleque Queen and Colorado Springs Icon, Del Lusional, or your girlfriends favorite Drag King, Bobbi Pin!
Queer Mixer - Sapphic Edition!
When you arrive you'll recieve a name tag and some fun optional stickers with what your looking for! Some games and icebreakers will be set out on tables, and enjoy a relaxing meet and greet atmosphere for the first hour and half before we ramp of the energy with a drag show, dancing, and audience games!
We will also have designated tables to help people connect who are part of the polyamory or ENM community, on the asexual spectrum, interested in serious relationships, etc! If you have a community that would benefit from a little highlighted table for people to meet at, message @thee.fiasco on instagram, we are open to suggestions!
At 7:30pm enjoy a drag show and at 8pm have your chance to introduce yourself at the start of our live dating games to both our eligible drag dates and the whole room!
Drag Show
At 7pm we'll see performances by our cast, each bringing you a little something to help you get to know them better and get the party rolling right!
Performances by:
Your host, Thee Fiasco @thee.fiasco
Your DJ, WIld Cherry Quartz @wildcherryquartz
Your Kitten, Awkward Clown Boy @awkwardclownboy
and our Featured Dates:
Bobbi Pin @madusaxbobbi
Del Lusional @theyre_dellusional
Denver Dating Drags!
Sign-up the night of for a chance to win your way onto a group mini-golf date with our featured artists, Bobbi Pin & Del Lusional, and our chaperones Thee Fiasco & His Roomate!
The event will start with a Blind Pickup game. Our Dates, Bobbi Pin and Del Lusional, will sit facing the audience, and prospective suitors will line up on stage behind them! We want to hear your name, what your looking for, a favorite date spot, and a self-confessed orange flag. Declare your intent to win the hearts of one of our artists or to find that special someone in the audience! Tell us where you'd take them out! Wow us with the vulnerability to confess you leave dishes in the sink!
Our dates will choose 3-5 players each, who will then compete in mini-games (announced night-of) until 1 lucky player is left standing for each artist! We will then give the date information to the lucky winners and all meet up 1-2 weeks after the show at a local indoor mini-golf course.