Declutter: D.I.Y. Minimalist Kitchen Workshop for Beginners

Declutter: D.I.Y. Minimalist Kitchen Workshop for Beginners

Setup an easy-to-cook-&-clean kitchen that you can enjoy!

By Truly Thriving Lives

Select date and time

Sunday, April 13 · 11 - 11:30am PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Special occasion items and “useful” kitchen appliances seem nice at first ...but they don’t feel so “useful” when we’re using all our time to dismantle & clean appliances, and struggling to find a place to store all those dishes that we barely use twice a year. In this workshop, we’re going to consider our kitchen pet peeves, how we’d like to use our kitchen, and plan a minimalist kitchen setup, to create an organized kitchen that we can actually function easily in. We will be choosing a reduced amount of dishes and appliances to keep accessible, and tucking away the not so “useful” items for a few weeks.

Learn how to:

  • Manage an over abundance dishes and appliances.
  • Deal with special use and seasonal items.
  • Never struggle to find and pull out utensils in your kitchen again.
  • Choose zero-hesitation dishes.
  • Design a kitchen customized to your needs & preferences.
  • Enjoy cooking again.

We’ll meet via Zoom so that everyone can work on their kitchen from the comfort of their own home. The zoom link will be sent with your ticket.

This gathering is designed to help you enjoy a better quality of life by having decluttered, minimalist, functional spaces. You’re encouraged to declutter before and after class too.

If you want to:

  • start decluttering now,
  • keep your spaces neat & organized consistently after we meet,
  • declutter independently instead,
  • or if you can’t attend this event,

you can download and use the decluttered minimalist workbook to stick with minimalist habits consistently and independently.

This is also one of many online gatherings to support your full holistic health journey. For more gatherings like this, view our full list of classes, parties, and workshops.

I want to make sure that all who are interested can attend. If this class is outside of your budget, I encourage you to apply to be a recipient of TTL’s Do For All Fund which covers the cost of services for applicants in financial need, granting free access. Or, if you’re interested and able, consider contributing, and 100% of your donation will be used pave the way for others.

Andrea and her family of 5 live a minimalist lifestyle. Andrea is dedicated to helping others live more with less stuff.

Truly Thriving Lives is a Black-owned, woman-owned business, founded on Christian principles, promoting holistic health and homeschooling to the African American Community, and the world.

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