Cuddle Party - Florence Ma: Saturday, April 5th, 6pm-10:00pm, ET

Cuddle Party - Florence Ma: Saturday, April 5th, 6pm-10:00pm, ET

Cuddle Party is a place to feel safe, practice consent and share human connection. <3

By Cuddle Parties hosted by Doug Pouliot

Date and time

Saturday, April 5 · 6 - 10pm EDT


The Hidden Temple

221 Pine Street #Suite #320 Northampton, MA 01062

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

Hi everyone!,.....

April 5th, I am bringing Cuddle Party to the Hidden Temple at the Brushworks Arts & Industry building in Florence Ma!

Please join me in the cuddle space as we gather and begin the evening with a one hour consent workshop which includes going over the rules of cuddling. After a few partner exercises we enter into platonic nourishing touch time, roughly two hours, referred to as 'freestyle cuddling'.

Suggested donation $30 (Space is limited to 25 people.)

(If funds are an issue please come anyway, and help with setup at 4:30pm and tear down at 10:00pm.)

Let's go over expectations for the evening and what the event will look like, starting with the rules of cuddling. Going over these rules and abiding by them is what creates a safe environment, for everyone, to be at choice giving and receiving nourishing touch. We encourage you to use the rules in your life as well. Try it sometime. <3


1) Pajamas stay on the whole time. (This is a nonsexual event, and clothes staying on is one of the ways we keep it that way.)

2) You don’t have to touch anyone at a Cuddle Party, ever.

3) You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.)

4) If you’re a yes, say YES. If you’re a no, say NO.

5) If you’re a maybe, say NO.

6) You are encouraged to change your mind.

7) Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner.

8 ) Get your Facilitator or the Assistant if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the event.

9) Tears and laughter are both welcome.

10) Respect people’s privacy. (When referring to Cuddle Party, please only talk about your own experience.)

11) Keep the Cuddle space tidy. (Please, no food in the cuddle space. Closed lid water bottles are allowed.)

HEALTH CHECK-IN: If you aren't feeling well please stay home and take care of yourself. Join us for next Month's cuddle party. <3

STARTING ON TIME: Once we begin the Welcome Circle, the door to the event is closed. This creates comfort and safety for everyone knowing that we are on the same page about rules and expectations.

CREATING THE CONTAINER: After the Welcome circle, we go over the ‘rules of cuddling’, which are listed below. This is how we create a safe environment, for everyone, to give and receive nourishing touch.

WHAT KIND OF TOUCH TO EXPECT: Massages, head scratching, spooning, watching/observing, learning about consent, talking, dancing, laughter, holding hands, napping, hugs, writing in a journal or reading a book, or no touch at all. Your choice. :)

WHAT TO WEAR: Loose comfortable clothing. Your favorite onsie, pajamas, sweatpants. Optional is a pillow, stuffed animal, favorite blanket if you like.

BRING A SNACK TO SHARE: This is a alcohol free/smoke free event. Juice or sparkling cider, and treats and snacks to share.

Any questions please send me a message.

See you in the cuddle space. <3

Doug Pouliot

Certified Cuddle Party Facilitator

Organized by

Welcome! A cuddle party is a place to feel safe, practice consent and share human connection.

Below are logistics for the event and what you can expect to experience.

INCLUSION: Cuddle parties are lgbtq bipoc friendly.

HEALTH CHECK-IN: If you aren't feeling well is please stay home and take care of yourself. There will be other cuddle parties. Join us at the next one.

STARTING ON TIME: Once we begin the Welcome Circle, the door to the event is closed. This creates comfort and safety for everyone knowing that we are on the same page about rules and expectations.

CREATING THE CONTAINER: After the Welcome circle, we go over the ‘rules of cuddling’, which are listed below. This is how we create a safe environment, for everyone, to give and receive nourishing touch.

WHAT KIND OF TOUCH TO EXPECT: Massages, head scratching, spooning, watching/observing, learning about consent, talking, dancing, laughter, holding hands, napping, hugs, writing in a journal or reading a book.

WHAT TO WEAR: Pajamas or sweats. Think more comfy than sexy.

WHAT TO BRING: This is a alcohol free/smoke free event. Juice or sparkling cider, and treats and snacks to share. A pillow, stuffed animal, favorite blanket if you like.

THE RULES OF CUDDLING: (Abiding by the below rules is how we create a safe environment, for everyone, to give and receive nourishing touch.)

1) Pajamas stay on the whole time. (This is a nonsexual event, and clothes staying on is one of the ways we keep it that way.)2) You don’t have to touch anyone at a Cuddle Party, ever. 3) You must ask permission and receive a verbal YES before you touch anyone. (Be as specific in your request as you can.) 4) If you’re a yes, say YES. If you’re a no, say NO. 5) If you’re a maybe, say NO. 6) You are encouraged to change your mind. 7) Respect your relationship agreements and communicate with your partner. 8) Get your Facilitator or the Assistant if you have a question or concern or need assistance with anything during the event. 9) Tears and laughter are both welcome. 10) Respect people’s privacy. (When referring to Cuddle Party, please only talk about your own experience.)11) Keep the Cuddle space tidy. (Please, no food in the cuddle space. Closed lid water bottles are allowed.)

Questions? email

See you in the cuddle space!

- Doug :)
