Cross Borders With Confidence: Legal/Ethics of Interstate Counseling

Gain insight into the latest in cross-state counseling. Crossing state lines with confidence in your counseling practice is all you need to

By Eric Groh, Ethics Demystified.

Date and time

Friday, September 19 · 11am - 2pm EDT


Synchronous Webinar. All events EDT. No transfers, credits, refunds after 7 days prior to event. Full refunds prior to 7 days minus Eventbrite fees.

Live National Webinar Zoom, GA 30329 United States

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About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

Cross Borders With Confidence: The Ethics and Legal Of Interstate Counseling

Crossing state lines with confidence in your counseling practice is all you need to take your career to the next level. But, how can you expand your reach and boost your impact without finding yourself on the wrong side of the law? Indeed, navigating the challenges of interstate counselling can be quite a journey, and I totally understand how taxing it can be. The legal system is intricate, and if you don't understand it, you risk becoming lost in it.

How can you comply with laws governing interstate practice without compromising client care?

Legacy Licenses: Have you held a license for years with outdated requirements? What legal options do you have for practicing in another state without a license?

Transfer and Endorsement: How do you transfer your LPC to another state and the steps to gain endorsement.

Telemental Health and its Challenges: What are the ethical issues arising with telemental health practice across state lines

How about we make sure you have all you need to succeed while navigating in these murky waters?

Because our modern world is so interdependent, it is more important than ever to keep up with the latest developments in telemental health and interstate practice. It takes the proper expertise to manage clients across state boundaries or to understand the Counselling Compact and all its nuances. These skills are critical for people working in mental health. That’s where this upcoming workshop, Ethics: The Counseling Compact, Reciprocity, and Interstate Practice, comes in.

Join us for this 3 NBCC Hour webinar in ethics, where you'll find insights that are hard to come by elsewhere. Our years of experience working with state counseling board authorities on telemental health rules will greatly help you as you engage with licensees from all across the country. Our extensive experience working with regulatory organizations will help you network with colleagues across the country.

Time: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. EST
Starting at: $139
Format: Live Synchronous Webinar
Approval: Check Your State for Approval. Georgia Board-Accepted Face-to-Face
Credits: 3 NBCC HRs: All CEs accepted as face-to-face for LPC, SW, and MFT by the GA Composite Board.

With the seven years I spent writing, interpreting, and enforcing Georgia’s licensing board rules, the primary aim of this webinar is to equip you with the latest information on various states’ approaches to interstate and inter-jurisdictional psychotherapy and the Counseling Compact. Participants will learn to incorporate this knowledge into their ethical telehealth practices.

This Workshop's Significance: Essential Insights for Every Mental Health Professional

Indeed, the field of psychotherapy is evolving at lightning speed, and so, too are the rules surrounding cross-state practice. We designed this workshop to assist you in understanding essential topics. We'll cover how to obtain licensure in other states, either through reciprocity or endorsement. Telehealth practice also comes with important ethical considerations, which we’ll explore thoroughly.

If you've ever asked yourself the following question, you are the perfect candidate for this workshop:

How can I practice in another state without breaking ethics codes?

What steps do I need to take to transfer my LPC license?

What exactly is the Counseling Compact, and how does it affect my practice?

We’ll answer these questions and more. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of the latest updates on interstate practice and the legal responsibilities tied to the Counseling Compact. You’ll leave empowered to provide services ethically across multiple states.

Key Workshop Highlights: Engaging Content and Practical Applications for Your Practice

Stay Current: Learn the latest updates on the Counseling Compact and its impact on interstate psychotherapy.

Ethical Telemental Health Practice: Learn how to deliver ethical and legal services across state lines.

Reciprocity & Endorsement: Understand the process of transferring or expanding your LPC license to other states with ease.

Real-World Case Studies: Tap into Eric’s vast experience with board disciplinary actions, where he will provide real-world examples of ethical challenges and how to navigate them.

What you'll learn:

Participants will gain essential knowledge to:

● Create a personalized and ethical approach to delivering telemental health services.

● Understand the distinctions between reciprocity and endorsement, as well as how to apply each effectively.

● Explore the current status and future developments of the Counseling Compact.

● Acquire practical strategies for managing interstate telemental health practices.

Workshop Objectives

Participants will be able to:

Develop a Prototypical Model: Build a personalized model for delivering telemental health services, with a strong grasp of the legal and ethical considerations for practicing internationally.

Differentiate Reciprocity and Endorsement: Clearly understand the differences between these two pathways and how to apply them effectively.

Navigate State Processes: Learn how to search, identify, and navigate the procedures for reciprocity and endorsement in different states.

Stay Informed on the Counseling Compact: Demonstrate a solid understanding of its current status and impact on your practice.

Introducing Eric Groh, the Presenter

Eric Groh is recognized as one of Georgia's premier ethics trainers for mental health professionals. He has presented at prestigious institutions such as Emory University School of Medicine and the Licensed Professional Counselors Association, along with various mental health and addiction organizations. Eric is also a three-time governor appointee and a former president of the Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists. He has served as an adjunct professor at Georgia State University, Chattahoochee Technical College, and Bauder College.

Additionally, he consulted for the U.S. Department of Public Health to enhance mental health and substance abuse services for emergency responders during large-scale disasters. With over 20 years of experience as a solo practitioner, Eric combines innovative approaches with strategic practice development, focusing primarily on mental healthcare professional ethics consulting.

Testimonials from Past Attendees: Discover the Impact of Our Previous Workshops

Excellent presentation...allowed me to understand how to practice mental health in other states!” -- Sylvia Torres, LPC

Eric’s expertise in mental health law and ethics is unparalleled. His workshops are practical, insightful, and immediately applicable to my practice.” — Jane Jeffery, LPC

Secure Your Spot.

Don’t miss the opportunity to elevate your understanding of ethical interstate practice. With prices starting at $139, this live, synchronous webinar is accessible from anywhere and offers 3 NBCC-approved CE hours, accepted face-to-face by the GA Composite Board for LPCs, SWs, and MFTs.

Get the details or sign up by texting (404-985-6785). If you sign up for many events, we'll send you a special discount code for 20% off the registration fee. Our course material on The Counselling Compact, Reciprocity, and Interstate Practice will provide you with the most up-to-date information and practical skills to help you reach your career goals.

Eric Groh LPC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6921. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Eric Groh LPC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Organized by

Eric Groh, appointed by two governors, served for 7 years on the Georgia Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists. He has first hand experience evaluating and signing off on GA counseling board complaints, GA licensing applications, GA continuing education workshops for counselors and LPC license renewal processes.