CPR_Bangladesh - Save Loved Ones, and Save the world

Bi-Weekly CPR_Bangladesh Leadership Program - A three month long community service project for saving thousands of people globally.

By e2D World School, Mathnasium of Eagan, Family Club

Select date and time

Saturday, March 22 · 5 - 8pm PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

CPR_Bangladesh - Save Thousands, Save Millions.

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Getting organized to be a CPR_Leader

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

Your three months journey as a community leader

About this event

When a loved one collapses and stops breathing, every second counts.

Act fast: call for help, start CPR, and keep yourself safe. Engage others—two to call for medical help, two to keep the scene safe, and two for chest compressions.

Without CPR, there's a 10% increased chance of death every minute. By the 9th minute, it's 90%. But just with CPR, we can increase survival by 30%.

Push hard, push fast—2 inches deep, 2 pushes per second. Save lives, one push at a time.

Join e2D World School in saving thousands of hearts in Bangladesh and millions around the world.

Frequently asked questions

Can I join alone?

We strongly discourage joining alone. If we have available seats after all couples, we may allow you to sit for the first session alone as long as there is another partner available. You can always reschedule your session 2 weeks later. Watching the attached videos will give you needed knowledge.

Do I need Laptop & high speed internet?

Yes, all participants must have laptop and high speed internet with functional audio, for which system must be done at lest 24 hours before. Please follow the below link to do the system test: https://tinyurl.com/4tc6hbj8

How long will be the event? How do I connect?

1.5 hour. This will always be our zoom room: https://zoom.us/j/3851687764

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