Confidence, Self Love and Self Esteem Training | Kingdom Woman Finishing

Confidence, Self Love and Self Esteem Training | Kingdom Woman Finishing

Are you a leader looking to improve your confidence and self-esteem? We would love to train you!

By Kingdom Woman Finishing School | Cacica Shatoyia

Select date and time

Sunday, March 30 · 10 - 11am PDT



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About this event

Join the top .01% of impacful & influential(female) leaders

We train women of all ages and stages of life.

A note from our Founder, Cacica Shatoyia Jones

"As 'queen of self-mastery and feminine refinement,' I serve as an international women's advocate and godly femininity pioneer, where I empower women with the unshakeable confidence and high-level skillsets of the top .0001% of women so that they are able to pursue and maximize any and all opportunities for: 1) a deeper relationship with Yahweh, 2) healthier relationships and friendships, and 3) higher-level opportunities for an overall higher quality of life--without shame or reservation, and without compromising their values and godly femininity in the process.

Over the years, I have listened to, spoken life into, helped discover the purpose of, offered a shoulder to cry on and then helped develop a game plan for moving forward and created a feminine oasis, training center and sisterhood for all things womanhood for hundreds of thousands of women around the world. Because of my hands-on, first-hand encounters and mentorship of women from backgrounds, socio-economic status and all ages and stages of lifeI know without a doubt how it is not enough to empower women with more opportunities.

A woman must also possess the confidence and a sense of self-worth that is unattached to the opportunity to be had to pursue them and the preparation in skills to maximize each opportunity presented to them."

The Price of A Lack of Confidence, Self-Esteem and Self Worth

"Despite the increased opportunity for women around the world to access more positions of leadership and influence in all facets of society, I have found one astonishing common denominator that stagnates a woman’s ability to maximize these opportunities....

superficially anchored confidence that is attached to something outside of themselves...

which hinders their ability to show up for an opportunity they believe is outside of their reach... (aka they never pursue the opportunity, and if they do they don't pursue it 100% and play small).

It also hinders their ability to advocate for themselves and their needs in environments that shame them for doing so. (Aka lack of boundaries and the skills to enforce them in alignment with feminine graces) which leads to women who feel it necessary to become like men in order to win at life and feel the need to compete with men...

women with a weak sense of self-worth that is anchored in what they have (material positions, status and titles) and their body versus who they are (character development) and their wisdom/knowledge...

women who feel the need to conform to the ever-changing beauty standards of any given society and an inability to stand in a sense of being set apart and unique...

women who feel the need to always compete not just with men but with other women and thus never is able to maintain healthy, authentic female friendships and sisterhood...

women who have the inability to priorize self care without feeling guilty and thus are not able to effectively set boundaries in their personal and professional lives...

women with a consistent pattern and history of unhealthy relationships, especially romantic relationships...

women who make contradictory statements like "I am a strong independent woman who don't need or want a man to take care of me." and "It is so hard to come across real men... gentlemen who still believe in protecting, providing for and cherishing a woman (basic chivalry) in this generation."...

women constantly compromising their values to get ahead in life because "the men are doing it"...

women who struggle to embrace and live freely in godly femininity due to being afraid of being taken advantaged of, fear of being objectified or fear in being ridiculed by 50/50 men and "independent" womenAnd I can go on and on.

This leads to broken women, which leads to broken relationships which leads to broken families which leads to broken societies. And we can already see the effects of this happening in our world today.

Hundreds of thousands of women later, I know without a doubt how it is not enough to empower women with more opportunities. A woman must also possess the confidence and a sense of self-worth that is unattached to the opportunity to be had to pursue them and the preparation in skills to maximize each opportunity presented to them.

Consider what great leaders do when they have confidence, self love and self-esteem.


  • Cultivate true organic and natural self-confidence without vanity or conceit
  • Find joy, peace and fulfillment in your femininity without shame or reservation
  • Develop a strong sense of purpose and direction and produce work that align with your gifts and talents
  • Avoid compromising core values in pursuit of success and protect yourself from becoming too worldly
  • Use influence to advocate for justice and compassion
  • Avoid trap of perfectionism and comparison to others
  • Cultivate authentic connections & develop a sisterhood of women to minimize isolation on your journey
  • Achieve work-life harmony and wellness centered approach
  • Remain humble while achieving success and hopeful in the face of setbacks
  • Confidence without vanity or conceit
  • Manage fear of failure and limit overwhelm and burnout from your responsibilities

Start Your Journey

We train women of all ages and stages of life. We would love to nurture your skills and talents and mold you to become set-apart in the most influential and impactful one-of-a-kind version of yourself that confidently advocates for herself, as well as pursues and leverages her talents to maximize every aligned opportunity that crosses her path without compromising your core values. Enroll in Kingdom Woman Finishing School to secure your crown today.


Step 1: Set a goal that you want to achieve by improving your communication & public speaking skills

Step 2: Complete the KWFS enrollment form and book a consultation.

Step 3: Review our training options, get matched with a mentor and start training with us!

Contact Us

Kingdom Woman Finishing School




Organized by

Confidence. Elegance. Grace. Poise. [Godly] Femininity.

Feminine Leadership: Self-Mastery & Feminine Refinement

The Top 0.1% of Influential, Impactful Female Leaders Train Here.

Join the Top 1% of Influential, Impactful Female Leaders

Kingdom Woman Finishing School is a 8x award-winning feminine training center for self-mastery, divinity and feminine refinement, serving as the world's leader in women's education and an oasis of feminine refinement & leadership. At Kingdom Woman Finishing School, we nurture, mold and pour into talented and visionary women around the world to become the "creme de la creme" version of themselves--the best of the best influential and effective leaders in and outside of their homes, communities and workplace, no matter what facet of society they serve in. Whether your aspirations is to be a career woman, homemaker, wife, minister, activist, public figure or to simply learn skills that will equip to create a higher quality more sustainable life for yourself and your loved ones, we are here to empower you with the skills to maximize every opportunity that comes your way.

Serving Women of All Ages and Stages of Life.

Standards of Excellence

We have a reputation for maintaining the highest standard of professionalism and excellence. Our biblically-inspired and wellness-centered approach to all skills trainings prioritize activities that improve your feminine grace, as well as the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional (and often financial) well-being of the women (and sometimes men!) that we serve, which allows us to always leave our clients with more than they expected in results from the FIRST training or mentoring session. We also have a scholarship and grant program that our clients can participate in to put their skills to the test to win free mentorship and funding for their education, training, ideas, projects, initiatives, businesses and other aspirations.

Even better, you don't have to take our word for it. We have reviews you from our clients who were able to confidently pursue and maximize life/relationship/career opportunities without sacrificing their core values.