Coffee & Coaching with Kristina at The Greats of Craft Manhattan

Coffee & Coaching with Kristina at The Greats of Craft Manhattan

Join us for a coffee and free coaching session with seasoned holistic career and life coach Kristina Leonardi at The Greats of Craft NYC

By Kristina Leonardi

Select date and time

Monday, March 24 · 3 - 6pm EDT


The Greats of Craft

983 1st Avenue New York, NY 10022

About this event

Looking for a little clarity, balance and direction in your career or life?

Grab your cuppa Joe or any other beverage from GoC and have a 15-minute complimentary coaching session with holistic career coach and personal growth expert Kristina Leonardi.

Available at GoC’s Manhattan location on Mondays from 3-6pm and at the Long Island City location on Tuesdays from 11:30am-3pm (see separate Eventbrite listing for LIC)

Learn more about Kristina at and subscribe or follow @clearlykristina on Instagram and YouTube.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to reserve a time?

No. Unless you have a very tight window, just come anytime between 3-6pm. Sessions are 15-20minutes per person. You can always contact Kristina directly if you need to schedule a specific time.

Is this a class?

No, it's an opportunity to get a "sample size" coaching session with Kristina to see if you are a good fit to work together more extensively. Each person will get individual, one on one time with Kristina to discuss whatever is most relevant for you right now.

How can I learn more about Kristina?

Check out her website, Instagram or YouTube pages to get an idea of her vibe. Also if you can't make it down in person you can also contact her to have a brief phone chat before you decide to work together.

Organized by

Kristina Leonardi is a holistic career and life coach specializing in career transition, work/life wellness and personal growth who has helped hundreds of men and women make the most of their personal and professional lives for over 20 years.  For more information visit and check her out on YouTube and Instagram @clearlykristina. Visit Kristina's LinkTree for all the latest news and events: