Celebrate Recovery - Oakdale Church (IN PERSON)

Celebrate Recovery - Oakdale Church (IN PERSON)

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, habits or hang-ups of any kind. Join us!

By Mary Kay Isaacs

Select date and time

Thursday, March 13 · 7 - 10pm EDT


Oakdale Church

3425 Emory Church Road Olney, MD 20832 United States

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

CR is a Christ-centered 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, habits or hang-ups of any kind. It is a safe place to find freedom from the issues that control or negatively impact our lives.

Celebrate Recovery is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, our habits and our hang-ups. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory.

People are finding freedom from:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • relationship issues
  • past abuse
  • anger
  • shame
  • codependency
  • compulsive behaviors
  • sex addiction
  • pornography
  • compulsive spending
  • gambling
  • drug abuse
  • alcohol abuse
  • food issues
  • eating disorders
  • and other issues that are making their lives unmanageable.

BRING YOUR KIDS! They need support too!

CELEBRATION PLACE (our CR kids ministry) runs at the same time as CR.

Celebration Place is a ministry for children from K-5th grade whose parents attend the Celebrate Recovery program.

The Celebration Place curriculum provides support and helps children in a child-friendly format. Our leaders provide kids with everything they need to make Jesus the foundation of their lives; break the cycle of dysfunction, and join their parents in forgiveness and healing.

Every Thursday night children have a time of worship, participate in fun games, and listen to a Christ-centered lesson on how to depend on Jesus to heal their hurts.

JOIN US for the best night of the week!

Join us in-person every Thursday from 7PM to 8PM at Oakdale Church. Large group is 7-8 PM. OPEN SHARE is 8 PM.

If you are new to Celebrate Recovery and would like more information, please contact Mary Kay Isaacs, mkisaacs@oakdale.church or visit Celebrate Recovery Oakdale.

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