Cartersville Business: The Science Of Sales & Marketing - For Beginners!
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Cartersville Business: The Science Of Sales & Marketing - For Beginners!

OnLine, OnDemand, EverGreen & No Waiting! Start learning as soon as you register! Take it whenever you want! As many times as you want!!!

By Coach Michael Lin

Select date and time

Saturday, March 22 · 7 - 9:30pm EDT



Cartersville Cartersville, GA

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About this event

The Science & Engineering of Sales & Marketing - For Beginners

So, you are new to sales and marketing.

You want to know:

  1. How to get prospects to want to buy what you need to sell?
  2. What are some of the biggest and deadliest mistakes that cause beginners to fail at making sales?
  3. What are the wrong understandings of sales that are the causes of these deadly mistakes?
  4. What are some of your current thinking that are holding you back?
  5. Is it hard to learn sales if you come from a STEM background?
  6. All those jargons in sales, and all those competing methods and systems... which is which and what's what? how to make sense of them all?
  7. Why do certain tactics work? But others don't? What's going on behind the scenes? What's going on in the minds and hearts of the prospective customers?
  8. How to apply old sales methods and strategies from the past in the age of internet and ecommerce?
  9. How to learn sales and marketing beyond just "monkey see and monkey do"? beyond just "copy and paste"? What are the rational reasons behind the curtain?
  10. What's the science behind sales and marketing? How to create your own sales and marketing strategies - all based on science?

If that’s the case, this Powerful Class is for you! This class will teach you the science and engineering of sales and marketing, enabling you to go deep with your learning, mastering the science and engineering of sales and marketing, so you can create your own sales and marketing method and strategy, to market and sell your products/services to your niche!

This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!

Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!!

Ask yourself:

  1. Is your entrepreneurial endeavour being stopped by your lack of understanding of sales and marketing?
  2. Do you have any hang-ups about selling? moral concerns? ethical concerns?
  3. Can you truly learn sales, by doing "copy and paste" of sales gimmicks at a surface level? Can you truly learn any skill, with "monkey see and monkey do"?
  4. How do buyers make buying decisions?
  5. What is the "Human Decision Making Process"?
  6. What is the secret, about sales and marketing, that they are not telling you?
  7. What is your #1 job before you can even go out to make your sales presentations?
  8. What is the sales process? Why is it that you must build your own sales process?
  9. What is the "consultative sales method"?
  10. Who to spend your marketing/sales effort on?
  11. Do you understand the feelings of your prospects?
  12. Do you feel uncertain, uneasy, and incongruent, when making sales?
  13. Do you feel needy? Are you desperate to make a sale?
  14. Do you know how to handle objections, comfortably and congruently?
  15. Introverts/Extraverts, which personality type enables you to be more effective at selling? Are extraverts really better at selling? Do introverts have any hope?
  16. Do you know how to sell to large corporations? What's the difference between selling to an individual, vs selling to a corporation?
  17. Do you want to speed up the pace of your learning?
  18. Do old fashioned sales tactics work? Have you been applying sales techniques that worked in the past in this new era of the internet?
  19. Are you trying to "fake it until you make it"?
  20. Can you imagine having a secret key that allows you to enter the minds and hearts of your prospective buyers, take a look around, read their personal diaries, learn their secret thoughts? understand their wants and their cravings?
  21. Have you noticed, all of those so called "sales training" out there, they teach you a bunch of gimmicks, but they don't tell you: why those gimmicks work, under what situation will they work? under what situation will they not apply? Notice how they don't teach you the science behind those gimmicks?
  22. What will happen to you, if you continue to not make sales? not having the skill to sell? not understanding sales?

Did you know:

  1. No one is born with the ability to make sales?
  2. All successful sales people learned the skill of selling?
  3. Sales and marketing, is a skill that anyone can learn?
  4. Even Introverts can learn sales? Even engineers can learn sales?
  5. Most "sales and marketing" training programs are just "monkey see and monkey do", not able or refusing to teach the science behind the action?
  6. Most "sales and marketing" training programs only teach the how, without teaching the why?
  7. Doing sales, is actually like being a medical doctor? is exactly like being an engineer?
  8. No sales training programs out there address your moral and ethical concerns with sales and marketing? (all they do is to yell at you to "get over it" - but that's not going to help you if you have concerns!)
  9. No sales training programs out there explains the science of sales and marketing?
  10. If you don't understand the underlying science of sales and marketing, you won't be able to apply techniques, tactics, methods, strategies, gimmicks to your own unique niche? You won't be able to create your own strategy, method, tactics, techniques, gimmicks, for your own situation?
  11. Most sales training programs, are based on the pre internet economy? you won't know how to apply them if you don't know the science behind it?
  12. You can not learn sales, by just copying surface level gimmicks?
  13. Most sales training programs don't teach you the reality of how consumers make their purchasing decisions?
  14. most people don't know how humans make decisions?
  15. You might be unintentionally alienating people who might have otherwise bought from you?
  16. There is a universal formula for all sales processes?
  17. You can/should apply your STEM background to sales, and outsell others?
  18. Those who are analytical actually do better in sales?
  19. You might be wasting your sales/marketing effort on the wrong people?
  20. It's extremely important to understand the emotions of your prospects?
  21. In order to make sales, you must understand your own feelings?
  22. You might be unintentionally unselling your products/services? And you are not even aware of this fact?
  23. You can't pretend to "believe" in the products/services you are selling? you can't fake authenticity?
  24. The more you chase after them, the more they want to get away from you? prospects can smell your neediness & your desperation, from a mile a way, over the telephone? over the internet?
  25. To those who are skilled in sales, sales, is NOT a numbers game?
  26. The old school traditional training programs for beginners can ruin your chance of learning sales and marketing skills? And it's by design?
  27. Your understanding of "objections" is wrong?
  28. Introverts can actually do better than extraverts?
  29. Selling to large corporations is fundamentally based on the same science as selling to consumers? but applied to a different situation?
  30. As a beginner, focusing on the wrong metric, can destroy your future in sales?
  31. Old fashioned sales tactics and sales training can work in today's economy - but only if you understand the science based reason of why they worked in the past, and only if you know how to apply the same principals differently in today's economy?
  32. You can not just observe human "behaviour", you have to go deeper, into studying human "nature"?
  33. You can protect yourself, both as a consumer as well as an entrepreneur, by knowing the science of sales, to prevent you from falling victim to sales gimmicks, and buy things you don't need with money you don't have?
  34. Beginners using "fake it until you make it", often don't make it?
  35. There are better faster methods, than "fake it until you make it"?
  36. This skill applies to not just sales but also daily life? At work, at home, and everywhere else?
  37. No matter what you sell, it's the same set of principles - all based on the same science?
  38. Art of War taught: "know yourself and know your opponent" - yet most new sales people don't know their prospects, and don't know themselves?
  39. Sales and Marketing, can be learned, scientifically? just like any other STEM subject?
  40. Other sales training tells you: "be authentic" "believe in your product" but they don't teach you HOW to be authentic?

What You Will Learn In This Class:

  1. The science and engineering of Sales & Marketing that they won't teach you;
  2. Why sales is an essential and honorable profession in any industrialized society;
  3. Why you need to be congruent and how to be congruent;
  4. The truths about high pressure sales tactics;
  5. The inconvenient truth of how humans actually make decisions - based on science;
  6. The science based reasons of why certain sales and marketing methods and strategies work;
  7. The role pain and pleasure plays in human decision making;
  8. How wise people influence and persuade others;
  9. What people are craving for, and will pay money to buy;
  10. How to help prospects realize they need your product/service;
  11. How to make people like you, so they will buy from you;
  12. How to avoid accidentally aliante prospective buyers;
  13. The universal formula for all sales processes;
  14. The consultative sales process;
  15. How to analyse any sales situation;
  16. Who to market to, and where to market to them;
  17. How to find out who is the right prospect, and where to find them;
  18. The emotions of your prospects;
  19. How to make sure your own feelings are in the right state;
  20. Why "being congruent" is not something you can fake;
  21. How to be truly authentic about the products/services you are selling;
  22. How to eliminate your feeling of neediness and desperation;
  23. The wrong way and the right way to learn sales and marketing;
  24. A better, more helpful way to understand and hence handle "objections";
  25. What makes extraverts better and what makes introverts better;
  26. The thinking/feeling of corporate buyers;
  27. The similarities and differences between selling to consumers vs selling to big corporations;
  28. What should you be focused on - as a beginner;
  29. The science behind old fashioned sales tactics and how to apply old fashioned sales tactics from 50 years ago in today's internet based economy
  30. Addressing your concerns with ethics;
  31. Introverts VS Extroverts, who makes the best sales professional;
  32. The truth about human decision making process - based on science and how humans actually make decisions - not how you wish humans made decisions;
  33. How your prospective customers actually make purchasing decisions - not how you assume your prospective customers make purchasing decisions;
  34. The underlying science of human nature that all sales and marketing techniques and gimmicks are based on;
  35. What will happen to our society, industrialized societies, in this modern economy, without sales as a profession;
  36. The age old wisdom about influence and persuasion, that wise people know, but won't share with average people;
  37. The #1 thing people are craving for and will pay big money to buy;


  1. Have you seen others buying things they don't need, buying things that are harmful to them?
  2. Have you been a victim of underhanded sales and marketing gimmick? and bought shiny objects you should not have?
  3. How to NOT get sold by sneaky salespeople using dirty tricks on you, to buy things you don't need.

We will go deep, we will go very deep, this is unlike any of your "run of the mill" classes.

This class is for people who want to hear the truth; this class is only for those who are strong enough to handle the truths.

- This class will NOT sugar coat, and tell you what you want to hear;
- This class will teach you what you NEED to know, so you can make informed decisions, based on facts and logic, not emotion.

This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!

Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!!

After taking this class, you will:

  1. Have no more hang-ups, no more feeling of uneasiness, about doing sales and marketing;
  2. Eliminate your feeling of being "not congruent";
  3. Have the accurate understanding of how people make purchasing decisions;
  4. Have a science based accurate understanding of how humans make decisions;
  5. Understand the role pain and pleasure plays in human decision making;
  6. Understand the fundamentals of influence and persuasion;
  7. Be able to master the age-old secret of getting others to like you, and get your prospects to like you, so they will buy from you;
  8. Understand the science and engineering on how to turn prospects into buyers;
  9. Design your own sales process, based on your solid understanding of the science and engineering of sales and marketing.
  10. Become the sort of sales person the prospects would love to buy from;
  11. Turn your analytical skill to work for you instead of against you;
  12. Turn your STEM background to work for you instead of against you;
  13. Be able to identify the right prospect, be able to find them and attract them;
  14. Be able to influence the emotion of your prospects;
  15. No longer need to "fake it until you make it";
  16. Become truly authentic and congruent;
  17. Eliminate your feeling of neediness and desperation;
  18. Know which learning method is the most effective for you to learn sales and marketing, which method will result in the highest chance of your quitting before you even gain any traction;
  19. Welcome objections, instead of living in fear of objections, because you know how to deal with them;
  20. Get your introverted personality to work for you instead of against you;
  21. Be able to get inside the minds of big corporations;
  22. Being able to apply old fashioned sales tactics from 50 years ago in today's internet based economy;
  23. Know what to focus on, to help you to jump over the initial learning curve, prevent "beginner burn out";
  24. Be able to dissect sales gimmicks, and figure out the underlying principle using science, and re-create your own strategies.
  • You will lose: Unhelpful ideas that have been holding you down :-(
  • You will gain: New thinking that will catapult you to the next level!

This class will teach you what you NEED to know, in order for you to succeed in sales - all based on reality not fantasy.

Comments from those who took this class:

  1. "When it comes to doing sales, I was "blocked". This class removed all my hang-ups that were buried deep down in the basement of my subconscious mind. After taking this class, my feeling of uneasiness is completely gone. I now feel 100% congruent when it comes to making sales!"
  2. "This class removed all my intimidation when it comes to sales. I used to live in fear of "objections", now I enjoy getting "objections" because I get to have fun handling them LOL"
  3. "This class removed all my confusion about sales and learning sales: my head was dizzy with all those so called sales training gurus with their overhyped gimmicks. I now know how to learn sales, how to think about sales according to the reality of human nature - all based on science!"
  4. "I now know how to apply old sales teaching from 50 years ago in today's internet based economy."
  5. "Not only is the teaching content amazing, the teaching method is also top notch! Coach Michael Lin has a super effective method to explain complicated subject matters, making the learning process enjoyable and not painful for me!"
  6. "I was about to give up learning sales and marketing when I took this class, and realized everything I was doing to learn and practice was wrong. I was learning and practicing using all the wrong methods, methods that created the highest dropout rate - on purpose! The so-called "system" I was following, was NOT designed to make learning as easy as possible for beginners like me! But rather, it was designed by corporations to filter out as many newbies and rookies as quickly as possible - so they get to keep folks who are already skilled! The corporations designed that system for their profit, not for my learning! I need to use the easiest method for my learning - so should you!!!"

You should take this Online, OnDemand & EverGreen Class if:

  1. You live in the real world, you have real world challenges you need to overcome.
  2. You are a doer, you are a thinker, and you are a lifelong learner.
  3. You want to achieve more, by doing more.
  4. You want to keep the fruits of your own labor.
  5. You want to get ahead faster: Eliminate stress, frustration and negativity.
  6. You are frustrated when your work/life is chaotic and out of control.
  7. You want to have more control of your own life.
  8. You want to be more effective at managing your life.
  9. You want to gain the respect of your family, friends, neighbors, and society at large.
  10. You have realized, you have your own "higher level calling", in your "strategic planning".
  11. You have also realized: you need to break through some of your deeper level thinking/belief, that is holding you back.
  12. You are brave enough to venture outside of the box. You don't want to, you absolutely refuse to, live your life within the boundaries set on your mind - by others.
  13. You enjoy playing the game of: "Never ending upward spiral personal evolution".

This Class is OnLine, OnDemand & EverGreen, which means you don't have to wait! You can take this Class Right NOW!

Link to the class will be sent to you as soon as you register!!

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