BWW Creative Nonfiction Workshop

BWW Creative Nonfiction Workshop

A discussion of two CNF pieces submitted by BWW members.

By Burlington Writers Workshop
Lots of repeat customers 📈

Select date and time

March 27 · 10:30pm - March 28 · 12:30am UTC



About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

Creative Nonfiction

Join Karen Kish and Dennis Bouldin for a discussion of thought-provoking creative nonfiction submitted by two BWW members. We’ll focus on specific elements of the craft and offer supportive, helpful feedback. Participants will discuss the submissions and offer written feedback to the featured writers.

You can find helpful guidance for participation here:

Contact Karen or Dennis for submission requests. Non-fiction prose or poetry pieces can be up to twenty double-spaced pages. Submissions will be posted a week before the workshop. We’ll contact you with access details.

See you at CNF!

Karen & Dennis


All works in BWW are intended for an adult audience, and may contain language, characters, themes, and content that is offensive or triggering to some readers. If your piece has content that may be upsetting to others, please put the words "Content Advisory" at the top of the piece and the reasons why. For example: "Content Advisory: Graphic violence, depression, & PTSD"

Please note, this is simply a courtesy to all BWW members, so that they can choose whether or not to be exposed to given material, and when. We completely understand no one can catch every possible issue. However, we do ask that you make a good faith effort for the benefit of all members. Better too much info than not enough. This policy is in no way censoring what is written, it is merely a consideration to others.

If you're unfamiliar with this topic, please visit this website for some examples of things that might come up. In general: if you're writing about something that would be harmful physically, mentally, and/or emotionally to others in real life (such as graphic violence), list it as a content advisory.


For security reasons, please make sure your name on Zoom matches the name you used to sign up for the workshop(s). Adding pronouns is fine (and encouraged)! We just want to make sure we’re able to tell that everyone in the waiting room is signed up for the workshop. :)

*In other words, if we can't tell who you are on Zoom, we will not be letting you in from the waiting room.*

Alternatively, if you are unable to change your Zoom name (and it doesn't match your sign-up name), please use the Contact the Organizer button which name is on your account, so we can see you're supposed to be there.

MEETING: Only registered members of Burlington Writers Workshop will be given access to this session. Membership is free and easy.

CANCEL: PLEASE cancel your registration if you will not be in attendance, so people on the WAIT LIST will be able to fill that seat. To cancel, click your name or email in the top right corner of the Eventbrite screen, click on tickets, click on workshop to be canceled, and click cancel order.


Dennis Bouldin has been involved with the BWW since 2013, including co-leader of biweekly creative non-fiction workshops for the past several years. He has participated with the BWW leadership team, including a 2 year stint on the board of directors.

Dennis writes as the spirit moves him, mainly essays on various aspects of his life, ranging from his love of okra, to walks with his dog, to travel experiences, to family, to memories of losing a close friend as an adolescent.

Dennis lives in Essex Junction with his wife and life mate, Elizabeth (Betty), and their poodle Theo. In the summer he enjoys time at their camp on Metcalf Pond in Fletcher. Long ago, Dennis worked as an engineer and engineering manager for IBM. and longer ago than that received a PhD in nuclear physics theory from Brown University.

Karen Kish has taught high school English for 25 years in Essex Junction, Vermont. Along with her husband Sandy, she also spent 15 years teaching high school overseas in Poland, Egypt, and Hungary. Currently retired, she now enjoy cross-country skiing, traveling, biking, tennis, gardening (especially blueberries and raspberries!), fun time with family, and is writing a memoir about their international teaching adventures.

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