Buying a Multi-family Home Workshop (with friends or as a solo buyer)

Buying a Multi-family Home Workshop (with friends or as a solo buyer)

Join us for a hands-on workshop where we'll guide you through the process of buying a multi-family home step by step!

By Nestment

Date and time

Wednesday, March 26 · 6:30 - 8pm EDT


Kọ Cafe (Ko Cafe)

722 Grand Street Jersey City, NJ 07304


Buying with or without friends/family

Multi-family financing options.

Property management.

Isreal's Jersey City experience

How to financially analyze multi-family listings.

Explore hot listing together.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Join us at the Buying a Multi-family Home Workshop!

Date: Wednesday, March 26th

Time: 6:30pm - 8pm

Location: Ko Cafe, 722 Grand St, 07304 Jersey City, NJ

🤓 Have you considered buying a multi-family home?

👯 Thought about doing it with friends or family?

🥹 Don't know where to start?

💪 We got you!

Don't miss this workshop where you'll learn everything you need to know about the process. From financing options to property management tips, our experts will cover it all. See you there!

💪 You'll walkaway from this workshop with the ability to analyze any Redfin/Zillow like a pro using our Nestimate calculator. It uses the most sophisticated data available to help predict and project how much a home will cost to own and how much it will appreciate.

Nestment is a SF based real estate startup that helps friends and family co-buy homes together from early conversations to closing. Don't worry, we also let individual buyers use our service ;) Get your plan rolling here:

Ko Cafe is a new Jersey City coffee shop, that serves more than just coffee. Their community focused appraoch makes Ko Cafe a meeting place for events, ideas, and people in the surrounding neighborhood:

Frequently asked questions

Who is Nestment?

Nestment is an SF based startup that helps friends and family buy property together. Think of them as your personal home buying coordinator.

Who is Isreal?

Isreal is co-owner of Ko Cafe and the building it is located in. Isreal co-bought the building with a friend in 2023 and rents out the 2 units above the coffee shop.

Who is Niles?

Niles is the co-founder and CEO of Nestment. He has personally co-bought 3 multi-family homes in Oakland and San Francisco.

Does Nestment charge for their services?

We are completely free to use from start to finish. We make money from third-party commissions from people like agents and property managers if you end up using that we recommend. Don't worry, you don't have to use professionals in our network if you don't want to.

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