Business Strategies for Non-Business Professionals

Business Strategies for Non-Business Professionals

Are you short handed, short on time, or need an extra team player in the short run? Come learn about workplace supports for the fall.

By Relevant Views, a creation of Fatima Partners LLC

Select date and time

Wednesday, March 26 · 11am - 2pm PDT



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About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

Business Stategies for Non-Business Professionals (Part I)

This workshop is ideal for those that want to enhance opportunities in their field, especially when interviewing against those that may have a business degree, but not a degree in your field.

You have the comparative advantage, why not make it a competitive advantage instead! This workshop will introduce new business strategies to enhance the work you already do. Impress your co-workers or clients, supervisors and stakeholders by emerging into a well-rounded professional with a variety of tools and techniques at one's fingertips.

Participants will leave with new skills and strategies to implement by Monday.

Several topics covered in our series include:

(1) General Management / Organizational Management

(2) Human Resources & Talent Management

(3) Business Plan Writing

(4) Basic Economics: Supply & Demand

(5) Introduction to Marketing

(6) Operations & Intro to Accounting

(7) Business Communications / Business Writing

(8) and more

Fee: $85 pp

We offer the workshop online and onsite. If you can not make this event, reach out to us on Calendly.

Questions? Call (646) 953-5334.

The course is a product of Alternative & Supplemental Solutions. All Rights Reserved.

Organized by

$85 – $485