Fungal disease control is a struggle for both tree fruit and vines. What products actually work? When is the best time to apply them? Join Drs. Charlotte Oliver and Jane Stewart for this interactive session where we will first discuss the biology of some of our most problematic diseases and then what to do about them. Using that information, we will work together to build template programs for either a local orchard or vineyard.
This workshop will be provided in person on March 25th from 8:00AM to 1:00PM MT.
Preregistration is required. Registration closes Monday, March 25th at 5:00PM MT.
Registration will be limited to 35 people to allow space for participants to work in small groups and participate in the calibration process.
Cost: $15, covers workshop handouts, refreshments, and materials for the program design activity.
The email provided to Eventbrite will be the email we will be sending all workshop communications to. Be sure to use an email that is checked regularly.
Tentative Agenda
8:00 AM Registration / Check-in
8:10 AM Introduction of the Day
8:15 AM Principles of Pest Management (Charlotte and Jane)
10:15 AM Break (Coffee and snacks included in registration)
10:30 AM Designing a Spray Program – Group Activity
12:45 PM Workshop Conclusion and Surveys
Contact Information
For more information on the workshop please contact: Dr. Charlotte Oliver (