Børnenes Tech Festival 2025 – Hop i det digitale hav!

Børnenes Tech Festival 2025 – Hop i det digitale hav!


Kom og kod, leg og opfind! Børnenes Tech Festival inviterer dig til en (gratis) dag fyldt med hands-on tech, kreative workshops og sjov.

By Hello Ada

Date and time

Sun, 6 Apr 2025 09:00 - 15:00 CEST.


Howitzvej 30

30 Howitzvej 2000 Frederiksberg Denmark

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

  • Event lasts 6 hours
  • Paid venue parking

Hej, opfinder! Er du klar til at dykke ned i tech og udforske en undervandsverden fyldt med kreativitet og leg?

Børnenes Tech Festival inviterer børn (7-14 år) og deres familier til en dag spækket med sjove workshops, interaktive oplevelser og inspirerende talks.


🚀 Hands-on tech workshops – Prøv kræfter med kodning, spiludvikling, IoT og kreative tech-projekter.

🎨 Interaktive installationer – Udforsk digitale havlandskaber og kunstige intelligenser.

🎤 Inspirerende talks – Hør spændende oplæg fra tech-eksperter, måske endda en astronaut in training!

🐠 Familieaktiviteter – Leg med computational thinking, byg din egen intelligente plante og meget mere.

Vi arbejder stadig på programmet, men du kan forvente en dag fyldt med teknologi, opfindelser og sjov!

Hvorfor deltage?

  • Udforsk. Skab. Leg. – Hands-on teknologi i en sjov og engagerende atmosfære.
  • Netværk – Mød andre nysgerrige børn, forældre og tech-entusiaster.
  • Inspiration – Oplev, hvordan teknologi kan bruges til at skabe og opfinde fremtiden.

Praktisk information:

  • Mad & drikke: Der vil være snacks til rådighed, og caféen på stedet vil være åben.
  • Parkering: Begrænset parkering – vi anbefaler offentlig transport.
  • Tilmelding: Gratis, men kræver registrering. Tilmeld dig nu.

💡 Børnenes Tech Festival arrangeres af Hello Ada i samarbejde med Frederiksberg Kommune, Google og Netcompany.

⚠️ Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Vi påtager os intet ansvar for skader, tab eller ødelæggelser under arrangementet.

Er du klar? Hop i det digitale hav, og lad os kode, lege og opfinde fremtiden sammen!


Hello, inventor! Are you ready to dive into tech and explore a digital underwater world filled with creativity and play?

The Kids' Tech Festival invites kids (ages 7-14) and their families for a day packed with fun workshops, interactive experiences, and inspiring talks.

What’s in store?

🚀 Hands-on tech workshops – Try coding, game design, IoT projects, and creative tech experiments.

🎨 Interactive installations – Explore digital ocean landscapes and AI-driven experiences.

🎤 Inspiring talks – Hear from tech experts, and maybe even an astronaut in training!

🐠 Family-friendly activities – Play with computational thinking, build your own smart plant, and much more.

We’re still finalizing the program, but expect a day full of technology, invention, and fun!

Why attend?

  • Explore. Create. Play. – Hands-on tech activities in a fun and engaging environment.
  • Connect – Meet other curious kids, parents, and tech enthusiasts.
  • Be inspired – See how technology can be used to create and invent the future.

Practical Information:

  • Food & Drinks: Snacks will be available, and the on-site café will be open.
  • Parking: Limited parking available – public transport is recommended.
  • Registration: Free, but registration is required. Sign up NOW!

💡 The Kids' Tech Festival is organized by Hello Ada in collaboration with Frederiksberg Municipality, Google, and Netcompany.

⚠️ Disclaimer: We are not liable for any injuries, loss, or damages during the event.

Are you ready? Jump into the digital ocean with us, and let’s code, play, and invent the future together!

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to bring a laptop?

Yes, you should bring a laptop for the workshop activities.

Do kids attend the workshops alone?

No, all Hello Ada events and workshops require kids to be joined by an adult

Is lunch provided?

Lunch is not provided, but there's many options for food close to Station and there will also be a Cafe open in the ground floor of the building.

Are there parking options at the location?

All parking slots are regulated by Frederiksberg Kommune, you can find more information here: https://www.frederiksberg.dk/by-bolig-og-miljoe/trafik/parkering

Is the building accessible?

Yes, the building is provided of an elevator but the only accessible entrance the one by the parking lot.

Organised by
