Breaking Free: Meditation in Minutes
Join us to break free from daily stress!Practice with the TG community for a 15-minute break. Sign up for our basic membership in the TG APP
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About Us
The founders have been in the health and wellness industry for 26+ years. Our mission is to continue providing and supporting others with mind, body, and spirit transformation and healing. We offer weekly classes, workshops, and more. Some classes are free, and some are for an energy exchange. We believe words do not teach; experience teaches, and immersion is the best way to practice. Living a life filled with faith, love, peace, and ease is a practice and learned behavior. Sign up, be a part of our community, and we invite you to practice with us.
To support your journey, we have created a private membership app for coaching and mentoring at your fingertips, designed for mindshift and mental health during your self-loyalty time. Our app eliminates any excuses for privacy and provides a community of like-minded individuals. Download the Transformational Gangstas app for free today and sign up for the basic free membership.
We have a team of customer loyalty ambassador to support you along your journey. We want to ensure you are supported with downloading the app and navigating though it. For all questions, comments and observations call 718-921-6100 option 2 or email
We Care About Your Whole Life!